A Woman Not Under the Influence Enjoys an App Date
Writer Briony Smith tries dry dating—and drinks it right up

“I Didn’t Know How to Be His Mom Anymore”
In this excerpt from Here With You author Kathy Wagner shares how she supported her son as he...

How I Coped After My Husband Was Diagnosed With the Same Cancer My Father Died Of
In this excerpt from her memoir, Everything All At Once, Montreal-born Steph Catudal explores the pain she felt when her...

I’m 43, I’ve Been in Long-Term Relationships and I’m a Virgin By Choice
In her new book Halal Sex, Sheima Benembarek shares personal stories of Muslim immigrants and their relationships to sex and sexuality. In...

Why Does My Partner Only Touch Me When They Want Sex?
Experts share three ways to change that.

When You’re Ghosted After a Breakup
An excerpt from Heartbroken, a book written by journalist Laura Pratt about her struggle to understand and...

‘It Is Reassuring to Be Loved Again:’ The Joy of Finding Love After 70
The book Gray Love: Stories About Dating and New Relationships After 60 is a collection of stories...

What It’s Like to Live—and Date—With a Chronic Invisible Illness
Happily ever after, in my case, comes with a lot of question marks and medical terminology.

I Need You to Know: Good Relationships Are Vital to Good Health Care
As an Inuk, relationships define how I navigate the world. As a nurse, I’ve learned how crucial they are to...

Caring For My Dying Mom Showed Me That Caregivers Need More Support, Too
Canadian Health Advocates Inc.’s Paige Lennox on caregiver burnout.

Anna Maria Tremonti: “I Knew I Shouldn’t Carry This Shame. And Yet I Did.”
In her new podcast, Welcome to Paradise, veteran Canadian journalist Anna Maria Tremonti shares the personal story that she kept...

How to Avoid Family Conflict This Holiday Season
Halifax-based therapist Lana MacLean on how to manage drama at family gatherings.

I Stayed in an Abusive Relationship Because I Didn’t See Myself as Being Abused
Leaving an abusive relationship is hard. Here's one woman's story about how she found herself in one and how she...

7 Friendship Stories that Prove the Importance of BFFs
We spoke to 7 groups of Canadian women about their friendships and how their bonds have buoyed them through life's...

Online Dating: Would You Date Someone Who’s Unvaccinated?
Dating apps like Hinge and Bumble now allow Canadian users to indicate their vaccine status, and it's changing how we...

Are You in a Situationship? How to Tell and What to Do About It
Here's what it means to be in a situationship and what experts recommend you do about these often confusing relationships.