
Find everything you need to live your best life, from advice on how to set healthy boundaries to the best sex toys—including gender-neutral options—available in Canada.

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5 ways to beat boredom at the gym

If you're stuck in a boring workout rut or have hit a fitness plateau, it's time for a change. Try...

Foods that fight allergies

If you suffer from allergies, you probably reach for pills when the trees bud or the ragweed blooms. But if...

How to boost your self-esteem

These practical tips will help you achieve better self-esteem in your midlife

News: Are air fresheners dangerous?

Yesterday I unplugged the electric air freshener in my bathroom. Sure, it imparts a lovely (if not distinctly phony) lemongrass

Quiz: Are you happy?

Take our quiz to find out how happy you really are with your life

The Health Benefits of Meditation

Science shows meditation offers many health benefits, including making you healthier and happier. Here's how meditation helped one couple cope

The ultimate at-home boot camp

Our interval training boot camp burns as many calories as possible in the shortest amount of time

Yoga Retreats Benefit Mind, Body and Soul

Looking for a relaxing vacation idea? Find out if a yoga retreat is the right holiday choice for you

10 ways laughter is good for your health

Find out why researchers believe laughing is as good for your health as a mild workout

Oral care for kids

Find out if kids need to brush for as long as adults, when to introduce floss, and whether to serve...

7 ways to make oral hygiene easier at the office

You spend most of your day at work. Be sure to bring good habits and the right supplies with you

5 workout mistakes

Are you sabotaging your fitness routine? Learn to spot five common workout mistakes'and learn how to fix them

Coming soon: A vaccine for UTIs

Urinary tract infections aren't just uncomfortable, they can be quite painful as well. The good news: a vaccine is in...

Ask your doctor about the vitamin D test

Studies show a lack of vitamin D could contribute to diseases such as cancer and osteoporosis. A test from your...

7 travel tips for good oral health

Guilt of ignoring your teeth while on vacation? Banish the bad habit with these travel tricks

Natural home remedies: Stress

Your body is designed to handle brief periods of stress from time to time. But too much isn't good for...

6 surprising reasons you shouldn’t overlook gum health

From possible tooth loss to breathing complications, here's why you need to protect your gums today

The safe way to store your toothbrush

How you stash your toothbrush can affect your oral health. Here's how to store it properly

Quiz: Do you have a sleeping problem?

Are you getting all the sleep you need to function during the day? Take this quiz to assess your sleepiness,...

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A new way to stretch out back pain

Back stiffness and pain are common problems for desk-jockeys. Try this eight-step method for stretching out your back without leaving...

The dangers of third-hand smoke

Researchers say kids are at risk when exposed to third-hand smoke

Coming soon: Medication to boost women’s libido

Women may soon be getting their own version of Viagra

Yoga Helps Breast-Cancer Patients Heal

How one Toronto-based yoga program helps women get through breast cancer'in part thanks to fundraiser Yoga in Motion

Is it worth it to buy eco-friendly workout wear?

Best Health looked at four popular fabrics used in eco-friendly workout wear to discover how each helps the environment, and...

Are you a control freak?

Being in control can be healthy'but being overbearing can really turn people off. Here's how to rein in your controlling...

7 ways to centre yourself and get more sleep

Not getting the sleep you need? Take time to get in touch with yourself, your feelings and the way you...

Fake a good night’s sleep

Are itchy, red eyes making you look less-than-perky? Find which over-the-counter remedies will soothe your eyes'and help you look well...

Tough health questions answered

Is sugar as addictive as cocaine? Does laser hair removal really work? Find the answers to these and more tough...

How diets make you fat

Restricting your food intake may seem like a quick way to shed pounds, but experts say diets make you fat...