
Find everything you need to live your best life, from advice on how to set healthy boundaries to the best sex toys—including gender-neutral options—available in Canada.

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Men’s heart health guide

Every seven minutes in Canada, someone dies from heart disease or stroke'but with a few simple lifestyle changes, you can...

The phys-ed workout

Looking for a new way to melt fat, burn calories and get stronger? Kick it old-school'literally' and add some classic...

Maternal health: 10 reasons you should care about the G8 Summit

What are the G8 world leaders really going to be talking about when they gather in Ontario this week? One...

Healthy soy recipes men will love

From warding off prostate cancer to lowering blood pressure, soy foods are a must for men. Looking to add more...

Why Canada loves the World Cup

From painted faces and flags to those controversial vuvuzelas, World Cup fever is in full swing. Here's why Canada loves...

How to start running

Running can help you look great, reduce anxiety and improve your self-confidence. Whether you want to shed some weight or...

The ultimate beginner’s running program

Ready to tie up your runners and hit the pavement? Become a bona fide runner in four months with this...

The goofiest health advice Dad ever gave you

Leave it to Dad to have a great sense of humour when it comes to sharing his wisdom. Here is...

4 ways to prevent motion sickness

Does travelling by air, land or water make you queasy? Here's how to prevent motion sickness

News: Sitting may be bad for your health

Not great news for us office workers: Sitting for long periods of time can have negative effects on your health,

Healthy Father’s Day gift ideas

Searching for the perfect gift for Dad? Try one of these healthy Father's Day gift ideas

Fitness ideas for the whole family

Worried that your family isn't getting enough exercise? Here are six easy fitness ideas for the whole family

The health benefits of soccer

Got soccer fever? Find out how playing "footy'" can improve your health

5 ways to remember to take your vitamins

A daily vitamin fix is an important component of wellness and longevity. Make sure you don't miss out with these...

Are you making these brushing mistakes?

The top five errors you might be guilty of when brushing your teeth

10 diabetes-friendly vegetarian recipes

Going meat-free can be delicious, thanks to these diabetes-friendly vegetarian recipes. Be sure to consult your doctor before making changes...

The best reusable water bottles

Sipping from a reusable water bottle instead of plastic is good for your health'and the environment. Here are our picks...

Quiz: How much do you know about health this month?

We covered a lot of ground in health news this month'were you paying attention? Take our quiz to find out...

The ultimate outdoor workout

Don't waste your summer in the gym! This 30-minute outdoor workout will help you get fit while enjoying the warmer...

10 ways to sleep better tonight

Tired of feeling tired? Here are 10 things you can do today to help improve your sleep tonight

The Truth About Diet Pills and Whether They Really Work

Diet pills are part of a multi-billion dollar weight-loss industry in Canada, but do they really work?

5 ways Canadians are fighting obesity

While it's true that obesity rates in Canada are scary, new initiatives are turning the tide. Here are five ways...

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4 tips for a toned butt

Want a butt that looks good in everything from jeans and pencil skirts to shorts and a swimsuit? Try these...

Get killer calves for summer

Want sexy, shapely legs in time for shorts season? Here's how to get killer calves for summer

20 healthy grilling recipes men will love

Fire up the grill! Here are 20 healthy grilling recipes that are perfect for barbecue season

5 great moments in Canadian health history

While new medical breakthroughs continue to grab headlines, Best Health takes a look back at some of the greatest moments...

How technology can ruin your family’s sleep

Computers, televisions and cellphones can get in the way of getting a good night's sleep'especially for children. Here's why technology...

New treatments for MS

May is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month. Here are two new treatments that may help those with MS cope better

5 stretches you need to try

Whether you spend your time running trails or sitting at a desk, stretching should be a part of your daily...