
Find everything you need to live your best life, from advice on how to set healthy boundaries to the best sex toys—including gender-neutral options—available in Canada.

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News: Victoria’s Secret Angel drinks only protein shakes pre-show

Ever dreamed of looking like a Victoria’s Secret model? Don’t feel too bad about the fact that you don’t, since

Should you try barefoot running?

This fitness trend is picking up in popularity. Find out if barefoot running is right for you

7 sexy books to read

November, you're sexy! According to Statistics Canada, the highest number of births occurs in July (November plus nine months =...

Your guide to Crohn’s and Colitis

Crohn's and Colitis both fall under the umbrella of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Here's your definitive guide to these scary...

The difference between IBD and IBS

Curious about the difference between inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? Here's what you need to know

When to spay or neuter your pet

If you have a puppy or kitten, here's what you need to know about spaying or neutering

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Can Cats And Dogs Catch Colds From You?

You may have noticed a sneeze or two coming from your pet. But are they sick with the same cold...

6 exercises for flat abs

Celebrity trainer Jackie Warner shows six moves that will tone and flatten your stomach

Fitness tips from celebrity trainer Jackie Warner

Ever wonder how the stars stay in such great shape? Celebrity fitness trainer Jackie Warner shares her workout tips

News: What’s the No. 1 killer in Canada?

It’s official. Cancer is now the leading killer in Canada. StatsCan just announced the results of a 2008 study, which

9 tips for preventing oral cancer

Early detection of oral cancer is vital. Here's how you to know whether you're at risk, plus what you can...

What to expect at an oral cancer screening

Here's what to expect at your next dental appointment. Plus, tips for performing an oral cancer self-check

6 simple strategies to prevent cavities

A healthy body has to include a healthy mouth! These tips will help you keep your smile cavity-free for a...

5 steps to following your dreams

Life coach and medical doctor Susan Biali helped our Challenge participant figure out how to fulfill her dreams. Here's her...

What to do if you have prediabetes

Take action with steps to improve your health ' we show you how

How exercise improves bone health

It's never too late to start! Here's how exercise can improve bone density'even for women who've already been diagnosed with...

How to pick friends who make you feel good

Having friends boosts your health, but choosing people who make you feel positive increases the benefits

Fitness trend: Indoor climbing

These climbers'and friends'get fit indoors, without having to worry about the weather

5 tips for a healthy pregnancy with diabetes

A healthy pregnancy with diabetes is possible. Keep yourself and your baby in good health with these five important health...

How to revive a dormant friendship

Sometimes good friends drift apart for no good reason'but that doesn't mean they're gone for good. Here's how to bring...

Expert advice: My wife and mother don’t get along

Psychologist Cheryl Fraser answers your sex and relationship questions

4 foods that are bad for your teeth

Could one of your favourite foods be destroying your teeth?

3 remedies for acute sinusitis

Got nasal congestion that just won't go away? It could be sinusitis

4 foods for a healthy mouth

Try these foods for healthy teeth and gums

7 pink products to support breast cancer awareness

Here are seven ways you can support breast cancer awareness this October

5 fitness trends for fall

Get motivated this fall by changing up your workout routine. Here are five trends to try

How to fall in love with running

Running is popular'but it sure isn't easy. Follow these steps to make running a fun and pain-free component of your...

How lifestyle can affect your risk for breast cancer

Even if you have unavoidable risk factors for breast cancer, healthy lifestyle habits can improve the odds

8 motivating fitness DVDs

We asked certified fitness instructor Amanda Vogel to try more than 40 of the latest fitness DVDs. Here are her...