
Find everything you need to live your best life, from advice on how to set healthy boundaries to the best sex toys—including gender-neutral options—available in Canada.

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Fitness trend: Tae kwon do

Fans of tae kwon do find it benefits both physical and mental health

6 ways to help your kid avoid the flu

Kids are often in the line of fire when cold and flu season hits. Here's how you can help protect...

5 health risks of shift work

Sleep problems aren't the only health concerns associated with working overnight and shift work. Here's how irregular work hours may...

How to make fitness a priority

Having trouble fitting exercise into your busy life? Try these four tricks to make fitness a priority and stay on...

5 ways to get fitter in 5 minutes

Finding ways to get fitter doesn't have to come down to spending more time working out. Sometimes all it takes...

5 healthy stocking stuffers

Still in need of holiday gift ideas? Finish off your shopping list with a few of these healthy gift options'all...

How to stress less during the holidays

The holidays are a busy time and the pressure's on for everything to be perfect. Here's how to handle the...

7 holiday health hazards (and how to avoid them!)

The holidays should be a time of merriment, not worry. Ensure peace of mind with our expert-approved tips for avoiding...

DIY gift wrapping

There are so many wonderful things about the holidays, but the waste 'that comes with gift wrapping isn't one of...

10 healthy holiday gift ideas under $25

This year give the gift of good health with these affordable and fun fitness-friendly gift ideas

Is he a compulsive shopper?

Women are usually the ones who get a bad rap for shopping too much. But men can be just as...

Fitness trend: Bellyfit dance class

Two Victoria friends stay in shape and in touch through Bellyfit dance classes

8 ways to stress-proof your holidays

The holidays can fritz out even the most levelheaded among us. Here are eight coping strategies that can help cut...

3 homemade cough remedies

When you feel a sore throat coming on, raid your pantry instead of your medicine cabinet to prepare affordable all-natural...

7 unusual cold remedies

Can playing jazz boost immunity? Can cold, wet socks relieve congestion? Some swear by these methods. Next time you feel...

10 things you should never feed your pet

Most pet owners know that chocolate is toxic for cats and dogs, but there are other foods that could harm...

Ask the expert: How should I deal with diet saboteurs?

Are friends or family members tempting you with unhealthy food choices? Before you risk ruining your diet, here's how to...

5 ways green tea is good for your oral health

Could this popular hot drink actually be good for your mouth? Here are five ways green tea may benefit your...

Could your guy be suffering from prostatitis?

If your significant other has painful ejaculation, pelvic pain or trouble urinating, it could be prostatitis

How to stay hydrated while you exercise

Hydration is key when you're exercising. Here's what to drink before, during and after your workout

How nature can make you healthier

Want to relieve stress and anxiety and even lower your blood pressure? Get outside'here's why

Should men get the HPV vaccine?

An estimated 75 percent of sexually active Canadians will contract an HPV infection at some point in their lives. Here's...

News: How pollution impacts the brain

It’s bad enough that Canadians spend the equivalent of 12 days a year commuting, but all that time spent in

6 tips to improve your digestion

While choosing the right foods can lead to big improvements in digestion, it's also important to consider your eating habits....

3 ways to spice up your sex life

Looking to make things under the covers a little more exciting? Our resident sex and relationship expert shares her advice...

How to be more flexible

Yes, you can increase your flexibility'it just takes a little time and some targeted stretching. Here's how to do it...

“They said I’d be dead in a year.”

Outwardly, Shannon Duke had it all: a beautiful home, nice cars, fancy vacations and a loving husband. In private, however,...

News: Anorexic mother weighs less than her 7-year-old daughter

Rebecca Jones has suffered from anorexia for half her life and weighs less than her 7-year-old daughter Maisy. The 5-1

3 ways to soothe eczema

While there's no cure for eczema, you can soothe the symptoms. Here's how