Top 5 Apps to Keep Your Brain Engaged
Stay on your toes and keep your mind active with these brain teasing apps

Improve your health with an active office
Let’s face it: sitting for long hours has become the norm. Whether it’s driving in rush hour traffic or spending

Allergies: How to fight back (and win) this season
Sneezing season has arrived. Don't let it ruin your life.

Natural ways to clean your home
A Q+A with Amber Hamilton LaPorte, owner of Maid Natural Cleaning in Vancouver, BC

What your stomach is trying to tell you
Nurturing the bacteria in your belly may help you shed pounds, eliminate food cravings and even fight disease.

Exploring sound therapy at Helix Healthcare
With my boyfriend and I having both recently gone through some career changes (All for the better, but still!), stress

Natural home remedies: Oily skin
If your skin is oily, try these natural skincare tips to get rid of excess shine

Natural Home Remedies: Irritable bowel Syndrome
The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (also called 'spastic colon') can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. But there are natural ways...

Healthy travel: What to see and do in Canmore
Whether you're looking for March break ideas or a holiday off the beaten bath, you'll fall in love with the...

5 tips to survive the last 5 weeks of winter
The official start of spring is a mere five weeks away. But as we continue to endure a lack of

Your Prescription: Staying the Course
Why you should keep taking your medication

5 sweet Valentine’s Day gift ideas
Spoil the lady in your life and surprise her with one of these sweet Valentine's Day gifts

10-Minute Tuneups™: Free weights
Exercise helps deplete stress hormones and instantly triggers the release of mood-boosting endorphins. Do this routine daily to relieve stress

5 sexy Valentine’s Day getaways in Canada
Reignite your love life with a romantic getaway to a wintry destination in Canada. From awe-inspiring snowy nights to ah-inspiring...

After an affair: The do’s and don’ts
Expert advice for how to deal when your partner has had an affair

3 tips to help beat the winter blues
According to a survey commissioned by The Weather Network, 43 percent of Canadians have experienced or are currently experiencing winter

What it really means to be depressed
It's beyond the blues. Depression is a serious illness and, as the leading experts in this field are discovering, one...

The fitness benefits of snowshoeing
Snowshoeing is a great way to get outside and enjoy winter. Plus, it's easy to do and requires minimal equipment....

10-Minute Tuneups™: Yoga for better sleep
Relax your body, and your mind, with this bedtime yoga routine that's guaranteed to help you sleep better
How golf pro Mike Weir manages his arthritis
After an injury developed into arthritis, pro golfer Mike Weir had to learn how to cope

7 myths about influenza and the flu shot, busted
Not sure whether to get a flu shot? Discover the truth behind seven common flu myths

Join the circus: A fun new way to get fit
When you think of acrobatics, trampolining and the trapeze, you generally think of the circus or an amazing Cirque du...

Top health, fitness and wellness trends for 2015
Abandon bad habits and adopt the latest health, fitness and wellness trends for 2015. Experts disclose what's hot for the...

Fitness: Video games make your indoor workout more interesting
Treadmill running can be boring. Here's how to make your workout more interesting.

Improve your skiing, boost your career?
Writer Kat Tancock shares the life lessons she learned from leaning in on the ski hill

3 books to kick-start a healthier 2015
These great books will help you cut back on sugar, make healthier recipes, and more

4 ways to hit the reset button on your health
Research shows that just eight percent of North Americans actually stick with their resolutions. Here's how we can change that

Last-minute gift ideas for absolutely everyone on your list
Avoid the crowds and let us help you find the perfect gift for everyone on your list

Quiz: How much do you really know about love?
Take this quiz to get to the bottom of some commonly held beliefs about what it takes to find'and keep'true...