The Secret to Happiness? Concentrate on Your Relationships
"Lasting happiness comes from doing things that are internally fulfilling, meaningful and tend to be diverse," says Dr. Tayyab Rashid. Here's how...

The 5 Best Apps for Soothing Your Mind
When a racing mind triggers an accelerated heart rate and makes it difficult to concentrate, these apps can help you...

How to Calm Down: 24 Things to Do When You’re Angry
Are you an angry bird? Try these simple tricks to chill and think before you act.

4 Happiness Hacks You Can Do on Your Commute
The quest for happiness is complex, but these easy ideas to jumpstart your joy gene are anything but. Do these...

11 Simple Tricks to Stop Yourself from Overthinking Everything
Thinking too much can trap the brain in a worry cycle. When you find yourself going round-and-round over an issue,...

14 Things to Never Say to Someone with Depression
Even if you have the best of intentions, these tidbits of advice may hurt someone with depression more than they...

13 Sneaky Things in Your Home That Trigger Anxiety
Anxiety triggers aren't always easy to identify—if fact, they could be the ordinary things in your home that you would...

How Mindfulness Can Ward Off Stress
There’s no avoiding the pressures of modern life, but that doesn’t mean you have to become its victim. Here’s how...

18 Foods That Are Proven to Fight Depression
The cure for your blues is in your pantry.

What to Do When Anxiety Is Affecting Your Sex Life
Anxious thoughts make it impossible to concentrate on anything—especially sex. We asked two experts for tips on reducing anxiety and...

Lessons From a Crash Course in Mental Wellness
We think of first aid for boo-boos and broken bones, but never brains. That’s all changing, and writer Bonnie Schiedel...

Your Smartwatch Is About to Become Your New Therapist
In the very near future, wearable tech apps may be the key to improving the lives of the hundreds of...

A Happiness Primer: 9 Lessons from Yale University’s Most Popular Course
What psychological science says about the good life and how effortful and intentional activities can have a powerful effect on...

19 Everyday Things That Could Trigger Anxiety
If you feel nervous, worried, and even panicked for no reason, these surprising everyday habits could be to blame.

15 Vitamins and Supplements to Calm Your Anxiety
These vitamins and supplements for anxiety have proven benefits that can manage your symptoms and help you feel calmer.

The Best Tips For Silencing Your Inner Critic
When was the last time you spoke kindly to yourself? For many of us, our inner dialogue is less than...

12 Signs You Need to Break Up with Your Therapist
Yes, therapy can be a lifesaver. But sometimes you need to dump a therapist and find a new one to...

This Young Woman Created a Body-Positive Community For Marginalized Youth
At just 22-years-old, Toyo Ajibolade is leading social change for female youth in her community.

What I Learned From My Three-Month Detox From Instagram
Feeling stressed? Self-critical? Maybe a detox from Instagram is just what you need to gain your confidence back. It worked...

How Canadians Feel About Their Mental Health, Ranked by Province
Where does your home stack up when it comes to perceived mental health? We’ve got the scoop.

Why a Jigsaw Puzzle Could Be the Best Antidote For Your Anxiety
Jigsaw puzzles, the ultimate parlour activity of yore, are gaining popularity as a 21st century way to deal with stress.

5 Ways To Stop Feeling Negative During The Holidays
Keep your holiday spirits up and your conscience guilt-free.

How to Reduce Your Risk of a Panic Attack
Not sure how to control your anxiety? These strategies can help.

How to Manage Your Anxiety Triggers
Do large crowds leave you exhausted and overwhelmed? Here’s how to cope during the busy holiday season.

Meet the First Nations Fashion Designer Set on Pushing Diversity in Canadian Media
Lesley Hampton joins forces with Canada’s new inclusive campaign, Every Woman.

I Quit Therapy And Finally Eased My Anxiety
What happens when you can no longer afford a therapist? I did three things that went a long way toward...

8 Weird Symptoms You Didn’t Know Were Linked to Stress
Stress shows up in some unusual ways.

10 Celebs Get Real About Living with Mental Illness
By sharing their struggles, these celebs are helping to break the stigma around mental illness.

Orange is the New Black’s Dascha Polanco Chats Confidence and #SelfLovery
The actress and body positive advocate shares her tips for boosting your confidence.