How to De-Stink Your Clothes—No Washing Required
Follow these tips and you can de-stink your clothes in a pinch.

The Very Best Diet for Dogs, According to Vets
"You are what you eat" isn't just a mantra for people. It goes for pooches, too. A high-quality diet, after...

This Is the Scientific Reason Why Couples Get Back Together After a Breakup
Over a third of co-habitating couples who separate give it another go. Science has an explanation—and with the right mindset,...

The One Thing You Have to Do After a Breakup
After a recent breakup, it's common for your confidence to be lower than normal. So we reached out to the...

The Secret to a Successful Marriage Is Having Your Own Life
Have you ever been mystified as to how a couple with differences can be so happy? Often, doing your own...

How to Make Sure Your Relationship Lasts a Lifetime
Relationships counsellor Dale Curd offers tips on building and maintaining a healthy relationship—before it's too late.

You Need This Pantry Staple to Properly Clean Your Coffee Maker
Cleaning experts know the secret to perking up any coffee maker: Good, old-fashioned white vinegar.

14 Reasons You Should Consider Adopting an Older Dog
A senior dog might be your next best friend.

11 Hotel Habits You Should Stop Doing ASAP
Avoid these rude habits that bother both hotel employees and guests.

16 Books You Need to Read to Call Yourself a Book Lover
It's not just about the classics (although some must-reads made the lists). Being a book lover requires embracing a variety...

5 Ways You Should Use Baking Soda and Vinegar Around the House
A mix of baking soda and vinegar makes a super effective natural cleaner. Here's how to use the mixture to...

You Don’t Want to Make These Rude Money Habits
Avoid awkward moments, and be more respectful to others. These are the common money habits personal finance and etiquette experts...

You Should Be Washing Your Pillows—Not Just the Covers
Don't forget about washing your pillows. Here's how you can clean them and how often you should be washing them....

A Cat Costs Only as Much as Your Annual Vacation—But Offers Year-Long Happiness
A relaxing week-long vacation or everyday companionship—you decide!

10 Adorable Small Dog Breeds That Are Good for Your Health
Looking to improve your physical and mental health with the help of a dog? Good choice. Here are some adorable...

How Often You Should Clean Your Fridge
We break down what parts of the refrigerator need to be cleaned daily, weekly and monthly.

Why We Copy People Around Us Without Even Realizing It
Do you and your friends all talk similarly? That's not a coincidence. Here's why we subconsciously copy the people around...

A Cottage-Country Expert Reveals What You Need to Bring On Your Next Visit
Born and raised in Muskoka, our associate editor shares her favourite essentials for a weekend up north.

How to Clean Your Oven Without Harsh Chemicals
You don't need dangerous chemicals to get last week's dinner remnants out of the oven. Here, a safer (and just...

What Doctors Wish You Knew About Sex Addiction
Sex addiction is now considered a real mental health disorder. We got sex therpists to explain what it really means...

It’s Time to Revisit Your Birth Control Options—in the Name of Self-Love
You have a go-to contraceptive—but is it really the best option for you? Here's why it may be time to...

12 Page-Turners to Put On Your Summer 2019 Reading List
These juicy books will leave you thirsting for more.

Advice for Female Entrepreneurs: Don’t Worry About Being Perfect
As the brains behind BonLook, Sophie Boulanger is disrupting the eyewear industry, one cool pair of glasses at a time. Here,...

How Many Calories Does Sex Burn?
Research says the count can vary—but odds are, it won't replace a daily workout.

This Japanese Tradition Will Make You Less Forgetful
Everyone makes mistakes. Here's how to catch them before they do damage.

How Bad Is It to Not Wash Your Sheets Every Week?
No one loves laundry day, but lying in petri dish of germs and bacteria is even less appealing.

Away Luggage Co-Founder Jen Rubio Shares Her Travel Essentials
Jen Rubio chats travel essentials, in-flight beauty and what’s next for Away.

What Happens to Your Brain in a Crisis
Losing your cool when the unexpected happens can have dire results. But you can train your mind to handle chaos.

20 Reusable Versions of Things You Use Every Day
Every day can be Earth Day when you switch your typically disposable products out for reusable versions.