
Here’s where you’ll gain insight into the Canadian healthcare system and find answers to the questions you’ve always wondered about. Learn the signs of a stroke, why mammograms should happen before the age of 50 and if IV vitamin therapy is actually beneficial.

Natural home remedies: Menopause problems

Don't suffer through night sweats and mood swings'try these natural remedies to help relieve your symptoms during menopause

Dos and don’ts of choosing the right toothbrush

Confused by the toothbrush aisle? Follow these tips to choose the right toothbrush for your needs

How much do you know about toothbrushes?

Take this quiz to reveal how much you know about that bathroom sink fixture, the toothbrush

5 things your toothbrush wants you to know

Think your teeth and gums are healthy? Double-check by asking your toothbrush for advice

What’s lurking in your toothbrush?

Toothbrushes can be home to millions of bacteria. Find out what's living in your toothbrush and how to keep it...

7 exercises that boost your energy

No time for a nap? Take action to boost your energy with these seven revitalizing exercises

5 ways to stop snoring

Loud snoring may be a sign of sleep apnea, a disorder that causes your breathing to stop or get shallow...

Do cough medications work?

Can't stop coughing? If you are like more than 40 percent of Canadians, you will reach for an over-the-counter cough...

A scientific reason to love your big butt

Fantastic news for Sir Mix-A-Lot and his ilk: A new study by a team of British researchers suggests that having

7 ways to boost your energy

There are simple ways to boost your energy when you're feeling sluggish. Learn how to re-energize, plus find out what...

5 books for a healthier 2010

Resolving to read more? Put these healthy book picks at the top of your list this year

10 ways to sleep better during menopause

Several nights a week, more than half of women between the ages of 35 and 55 can't sleep because of...

How to quit smoking

Looking for inspiration on how to break the cigarette habit? Some happy ex-smokers share real-life tips on how they did...

How to quit coffee

Feeling too jittery after your morning cup of joe? Try these two tricks to help you quit coffee for good

4 supplements to treat cold and flu symptoms

There's no cure for the common cold or flu, but some supplements may boost your immune system to help you...

7 guilt-free resolutions

Indulging in the things you love can actually be good for your health

7 nutrients that fight fatigue

Feeling sluggish? Changes are good that your diet's to blame. Fight back with these energy-boosting superfoods

5 ways giving is good for your health

Find out how giving to others may help you live a longer, healthier life

15 Easy Things You Can Do To Beat Jet Lag

Fly like a seasoned traveller with these helpful tips.

How to help him quit smoking

His smelly clothes and maybe even yellowed fingers and teeth may be unpleasant enough, but the health effects of smoking...

Natural home remedies: Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds often aren't serious, but they can be embarrassing and annoying. Here's how to prevent them from happening'and stop the...

Top 10 stories of 2009

Check out Best Health's greatest hits from the year that was

15 ways to stop worrying and sleep better

When worry drives your life, studies show you're more likely to develop chronic insomnia. Here's how to stop worrying'and get...

Is a vasectomy right for you?

New insights to discuss before you and your partner decide if getting a vasectomy is right for you

15 breakfast recipes for type 2 diabetes

These wholesome breakfast recipes offer a variety of healthy breakfast recipes for any occasion'and full nutritional information for type 2...

7 cold and flu remedies from around the world

Benefit from the wisdom of moms and grandmas all over the world with these home remedies for cold and flu...

Could your medication be harming your health?

Here's a look at some commonly used drugs, with tips to help you minimize your risk for medication side effects....

6 health secrets from Arlene Dickinson

Dragons' Den star Arlene Dickinson has a penchant for running half-marathons'and taking care of her health. Find out how she...

19 ways to sleep better when you’re pregnant

Fighting pregnancy insomnia? You're not alone. Follow these tips for better sleep