
Here’s where you’ll gain insight into the Canadian healthcare system and find answers to the questions you’ve always wondered about. Learn the signs of a stroke, why mammograms should happen before the age of 50 and if IV vitamin therapy is actually beneficial.

The best reusable water bottles

Sipping from a reusable water bottle instead of plastic is good for your health'and the environment. Here are our picks...

Quiz: How much do you know about health this month?

We covered a lot of ground in health news this month'were you paying attention? Take our quiz to find out...

10 ways to sleep better tonight

Tired of feeling tired? Here are 10 things you can do today to help improve your sleep tonight

5 ways Canadians are fighting obesity

While it's true that obesity rates in Canada are scary, new initiatives are turning the tide. Here are five ways...

20 healthy grilling recipes men will love

Fire up the grill! Here are 20 healthy grilling recipes that are perfect for barbecue season

5 great moments in Canadian health history

While new medical breakthroughs continue to grab headlines, Best Health takes a look back at some of the greatest moments...

How technology can ruin your family’s sleep

Computers, televisions and cellphones can get in the way of getting a good night's sleep'especially for children. Here's why technology...

New treatments for MS

May is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month. Here are two new treatments that may help those with MS cope better

3 self-esteem tips for men

Men can have self-esteem issues, too. Here are three tips to help you achieve a healthier body image

The 5 best foods for men

Whether you're trying to lower your blood pressure or fight prostate cancer, protecting your health begins with your diet. Here...

How to avoid allergy symptoms

While you can't completely avoid nature during allergy season, there are steps you can take to avoid allergy symptoms

What the shape of your spine says about you

Whether you slouch or stand tall, your posture is sending a non-verbal message. Here's what the shape of your spine...

What a naturopath can and can’t do for you

With recent changes in regulations for naturopathic medicine in Canada, naturopaths are gaining new rights. Find out what a naturopath...

Are You Wasting Your Money On The Wrong Probiotics?

Probiotics have been called the “friendly bacteria,” due to their wide range of health benefits. Here's how to choose the...

6 things everyone should know about cavities

Want to avoid fillings'and the dreaded root canal? Start by learning where tooth decay comes from

How to deal with tooth emergencies

Accidents happen'and they can happen to your teeth. Learn how to deal with them to minimize the damage

Blood glucose: How your blood sugar can affect your health

Foods that dramatically raise and then lower your blood sugar can lead to health problems. Here's what you should know...

20 diabetes-friendly lunch recipes

These diabetes-friendly lunch recipes offer a wide range of healthy lunch options for any occasion'and full nutritional information for diabetics....

5 Reasons Why Oral Care Matters

Think it's all about whiter teeth and fresh breath? Good oral care has some surprising benefits for your overall health

The best health advice Mom ever gave you

From beauty tips to beating a cold, moms seem to have an answer for everything. Here is some of the...

6 easy ways to improve your sleep

You might be surprised to find out just how significant these simple suggestions prove to be. Give them a chance...

Organ donation: One woman’s story

When writer Liz Maxwell was battling a severe autoimmune liver deficiency, a liver transplant changed her life. This glimpse into...

Natural home remedies: Nail problems

Whether or not you're the manicure type, you'll want to seek help when fingernails or toenails turn into eyesores. Here...

Canada’s best health advice

Looking for ways to improve your health? Try these tips from our readers for a healthier life

Quiz: What’s your sleep style?

Before you can improve your sleeping habits, you need to determine what they are. Take our quiz to find your...

Sleep eating: Could a strange disorder be sabotaging your sleep?

More than just a midnight snack, sleep eating is a condition that could be putting your health at risk and...

Foods that fight allergies

If you suffer from allergies, you probably reach for pills when the trees bud or the ragweed blooms. But if...

News: Are air fresheners dangerous?

Yesterday I unplugged the electric air freshener in my bathroom. Sure, it imparts a lovely (if not distinctly phony) lemongrass

10 ways laughter is good for your health

Find out why researchers believe laughing is as good for your health as a mild workout