
Here’s where you’ll gain insight into the Canadian healthcare system and find answers to the questions you’ve always wondered about. Learn the signs of a stroke, why mammograms should happen before the age of 50 and if IV vitamin therapy is actually beneficial.

3 IBS-friendly recipes

These three delicious recipes will tempt your taste buds'without the ingredients that commonly trigger the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

Is Canada addicted to sleeping pills?

Pharmacists in Canada fill as many as 5.6 million prescriptions for sleeping pills in a year. But is it safe...

6 tips for losing weight when you have diabetes

Healthy weight loss soon after your diabetes diagnosis could help you control your blood pressure and glucose levels. Here's how...

Healthwashing exposed

More and more packaged food products are being marketed as beneficial to your health. Here's what you need to know...

6 things that make men gain weight

Wondering why the numbers on the scale seem to keep going up? Here are six reasons why you may be...

7 ways to beat belly bloat

If no amount of exercising seems to flatten your tummy, you may be bloated. Try these seven simple ways to...

Can a smart phone app help you sleep?

There are hundreds of sleep apps on the market, all claiming to help you get the rest you need to...

Foods for healthy digestion

Are you getting enough fibre in your diet? If not, you could be at an increased risk for digestive problems...

The guy’s guide to hearing loss

Concerned that your hearing isn't quite what it used to be? Here's what you need to know about hearing loss,...

5 tips for low-risk drinking

Get all the health benefits of alcohol without the risks. Try these low-risk drinking tips the next time you're out

Is drinking healthy or not?

We're always hearing about the ways that alcohol is good for us. And to a certain extent, it is. But...

Ask the Expert: Life coach Dr. Susan Biali

Welcome to part one of our new Ask the Expert series. To help you simplify your life, we're asking top...

3 ways to fight foot fungus

Soothe the sting of athlete's foot with these fungus-fighting remedies

How to keep your colon healthy

Have you thought about your colon lately? This organ isn't just a garbage shoot'your colon is essential to your overall...

Canada’s best cold and flu remedies

Trying to kick a cold? Feeling fluish? Our readers share their go-to home remedies to cure what ails you

Canada’s women health heroes

Canadian women are making incredible strides in the field of health. In honour of International Women's Day, here are five...

6 diabetes-friendly snacks

Living with diabetes means you need to monitor your diet carefully, but it doesn't mean giving up flavour or pleasure...

5 health mistakes everyone makes

Don't let small unhealthy habits add up into big health concerns. Find out the most common mistakes people make when...

5 myths and truths about cold and flu

Does Mom's advice for kicking a cold really work? Find out what science says you need to do to stay...

Joannie Rochette: A champion for heart health

The world watched as Joannie Rochette skated at the Vancouver Winter Olympics just days after losing her mom to a...

Can you spot the signs of a heart attack?

More than 16,000 Canadians die as the result of a heart attack every year. Get to know the symptoms and...

13 tips for eating out if you have diabetes

Who says being diabetic means having to stay clear of eating out? A few minor adjustments can leave you worry...

5 active winter vacation ideas

Longing to get away with your family or friends? We rounded up some fun and healthy winter vacation ideas

Are you too sick to work?

Feeling a little under the weather? Here are a few tips to help you decide if it's time to take...

Q&A: Comedian Ennis Esmer gets serious about testicular cancer

When actor and comedian Ennis Esmer, 32, was asked to host The Canadian Testicular Cancer Association’s MANsake Ball on January

News: Dentist shows cleavage to calm her patients

If your dentist showed a little skin while he or she cleaned your teeth, do you think you’d be more

8 secrets to living a happier life

Author Dan Buettner researched four of the world's happiest places to discover their secrets. Here are eight ways you can...

6 ways to avoid a trip to the ER while on vacation

A sudden illness or injury could ruin months of trip planning, but it doesn't mean you have to go to...

Today’s best treatments for migraines

While there is no cure for migraines, various treatments are available to help you get some relief. Here are a...