
Here’s where you’ll gain insight into the Canadian healthcare system and find answers to the questions you’ve always wondered about. Learn the signs of a stroke, why mammograms should happen before the age of 50 and if IV vitamin therapy is actually beneficial.

7 holiday health hazards (and how to avoid them!)

The holidays should be a time of merriment, not worry. Ensure peace of mind with our expert-approved tips for avoiding...

Is he a compulsive shopper?

Women are usually the ones who get a bad rap for shopping too much. But men can be just as...

8 ways to stress-proof your holidays

The holidays can fritz out even the most levelheaded among us. Here are eight coping strategies that can help cut...

3 homemade cough remedies

When you feel a sore throat coming on, raid your pantry instead of your medicine cabinet to prepare affordable all-natural...

7 unusual cold remedies

Can playing jazz boost immunity? Can cold, wet socks relieve congestion? Some swear by these methods. Next time you feel...

5 ways green tea is good for your oral health

Could this popular hot drink actually be good for your mouth? Here are five ways green tea may benefit your...

Could your guy be suffering from prostatitis?

If your significant other has painful ejaculation, pelvic pain or trouble urinating, it could be prostatitis

How to stay hydrated while you exercise

Hydration is key when you're exercising. Here's what to drink before, during and after your workout

Should men get the HPV vaccine?

An estimated 75 percent of sexually active Canadians will contract an HPV infection at some point in their lives. Here's...

News: How pollution impacts the brain

It’s bad enough that Canadians spend the equivalent of 12 days a year commuting, but all that time spent in

6 tips to improve your digestion

While choosing the right foods can lead to big improvements in digestion, it's also important to consider your eating habits....

“They said I’d be dead in a year.”

Outwardly, Shannon Duke had it all: a beautiful home, nice cars, fancy vacations and a loving husband. In private, however,...

3 ways to soothe eczema

While there's no cure for eczema, you can soothe the symptoms. Here's how

5 signs you’ll develop diabetes

Have you ever stopped to take stock of your risk factors for diabetes? By 2012, almost three million Canadians will...

News: Victoria’s Secret Angel drinks only protein shakes pre-show

Ever dreamed of looking like a Victoria’s Secret model? Don’t feel too bad about the fact that you don’t, since

7 sexy books to read

November, you're sexy! According to Statistics Canada, the highest number of births occurs in July (November plus nine months =...

Your guide to Crohn’s and Colitis

Crohn's and Colitis both fall under the umbrella of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Here's your definitive guide to these scary...

The difference between IBD and IBS

Curious about the difference between inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? Here's what you need to know

News: What’s the No. 1 killer in Canada?

It’s official. Cancer is now the leading killer in Canada. StatsCan just announced the results of a 2008 study, which

9 tips for preventing oral cancer

Early detection of oral cancer is vital. Here's how you to know whether you're at risk, plus what you can...

What to expect at an oral cancer screening

Here's what to expect at your next dental appointment. Plus, tips for performing an oral cancer self-check

6 simple strategies to prevent cavities

A healthy body has to include a healthy mouth! These tips will help you keep your smile cavity-free for a...

5 steps to following your dreams

Life coach and medical doctor Susan Biali helped our Challenge participant figure out how to fulfill her dreams. Here's her...

What to do if you have prediabetes

Take action with steps to improve your health ' we show you how

How exercise improves bone health

It's never too late to start! Here's how exercise can improve bone density'even for women who've already been diagnosed with...

How to pick friends who make you feel good

Having friends boosts your health, but choosing people who make you feel positive increases the benefits

5 tips for a healthy pregnancy with diabetes

A healthy pregnancy with diabetes is possible. Keep yourself and your baby in good health with these five important health...

4 foods that are bad for your teeth

Could one of your favourite foods be destroying your teeth?

3 remedies for acute sinusitis

Got nasal congestion that just won't go away? It could be sinusitis