
Here’s where you’ll gain insight into the Canadian healthcare system and find answers to the questions you’ve always wondered about. Learn the signs of a stroke, why mammograms should happen before the age of 50 and if IV vitamin therapy is actually beneficial.

5 sexy Valentine’s Day getaways in Canada

Reignite your love life with a romantic getaway to a wintry destination in Canada. From awe-inspiring snowy nights to ah-inspiring...

How golf pro Mike Weir manages his arthritis

After an injury developed into arthritis, pro golfer Mike Weir had to learn how to cope

7 myths about influenza and the flu shot, busted

Not sure whether to get a flu shot? Discover the truth behind seven common flu myths

Top health, fitness and wellness trends for 2015

Abandon bad habits and adopt the latest health, fitness and wellness trends for 2015. Experts disclose what's hot for the...

Improve your skiing, boost your career?

Writer Kat Tancock shares the life lessons she learned from leaning in on the ski hill

3 books to kick-start a healthier 2015

These great books will help you cut back on sugar, make healthier recipes, and more

4 ways to hit the reset button on your health

Research shows that just eight percent of North Americans actually stick with their resolutions. Here's how we can change that

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Drugstore picks to help you sleep better

Can't sleep? Try one of these remedies tonight to feel well-rested tomorrow

How much sodium do we really consume?

Excessive sodium intake is contributing to a high rate of cardiovascular disease. Here's a look at sodium consumption around the...

Holiday Gift Guide: Our favourite gifts of 2014

Our gift guide picks start at just $8! Check out these ideas for living healthier and happier

Stress and the risk for hypertension

Stress is a risk factor for high blood pressure. Medical doctor Susan Biali explains the facts

Why are some new moms saving the placenta?

This trend has been gaining recognition thanks to celebrities like January Jones and Alicia Silverstone. But, is it safe?

What the bionic pancreas means for type 1 diabetics

November is Diabetes Awareness Month, and we're happy to share this good news

Does Your Posture Look Like This? It Shouldn’t

Our tech-addicted lifestyles are affecting our posture. Here's how to identify and correct your posture problems.

My Healthy Life: Jo Lusted

Chef Jo Lusted, author of the cookbook Dish Do-Over, shares her healthy eating secrets

How to get over your fear of the dentist

No one likes going to the dentist. But, for some, the experience is more traumatic than for others. Before your...

Smartphone Giving You Back Pain? There’s An App For That

An app designed to help you deal with the back and neck pain that’s associated with technology may seem counterintuitive

Best Health Wire: Is your phone making you fat? + benefits of red wine

The top stories from around the web on our radar this week. Is your phone making you fat? Charging your

5 everyday chemicals that may lead to weight gain (and other health issues)

While more studies need to be done before we can conclusively sound the alarm on many everyday chemicals, the early...

Bonnie’s Blog: Why you should say ‘yes’ to new experiences

The book club pictured with Lloyd Robertson, the honoured author in attendance to discuss his excellent 2012 memoir, “The Kind

3 free apps for better health

It's a free-for-all! We found great stuff, and it won't cost you a cent

Do you need a tongue scraper?

Think you know how to keep your mouth squeaky clean?

Elizabeth Hurley on breast cancer research, the BCA Campaign and the best advice she got from Evelyn...

We chat with Elizabeth Hurley about her work with the Estée Lauder Companies Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Campaign

What is oil pulling and should you do it?

People are rinsing their mouths with oil for 'health reasons.' Why would they?

Best Health Wire: Boost your brain with yoga + the power of pumpkin

Give yourself a brain boost with yoga Your downward dog may improve cognitive functioning. ‘ Prevention Facebook healthcare app in

Smile! It’s World Smile Day

We all recognize that bright yellow happy face, but do we know the meaning of it? Created in 1963 by

Best Health Wire: Beer may be good for your brain + Best diet for weight loss

The top stories from around the web on our radar this week. Beer may be good for your brain You’re

Profiles in courage: Survivors of breast cancer

We look at groundbreaking advances in breast cancer treatments'and profile survivors whose lives have actually been enriched by the disease

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8 sleep stealers to avoid

Are you tossing and turning at night? Your daily habits might be interfering with your sleep, and health