
Moving your body will help you feel good not only physically, but mentally too. Learn about the latest fitness news and tricks, and get inspired to try a new activity like pickleball, surfing or skateboarding.

Wall slide

Many people have a tight chest and shoulders. This stretch helps to ease those muscle groups

Hamstring stretch

This Olympic athlete recommends you always do a hamstring stretch after any exercise

Glutes stretch

It's important to stretch out your glutes after every workout. This will help to increase flexibility and prevent pain

Seated forward bend

Do this stretch after every workout to improve flexibility and prevent injury

Pigeon pose

This yoga stretch helps ease tight hips

Spinal Trunk Rotation

This twist is great for relieving back tension and increasing flexibility

Prayer stretch

Increase flexibility and circulation to your wrists with this stretch

10-Minute Tuneups: Fresh moves workout video

Anyone can find 10 minutes for fitness. Try these new moves for a full-body workout

The truth about why your diet isn’t working

You stick to your diet, so why isn't the weight coming off? Here are 6 reasons you can't seem to...

5 exercise excuses and how to beat them

Not exercising? These simple strategies might give you the push you need

8 myths and truths about exercise

There's no "magic bullet" for weight loss, but one thing is all but certain to work: exercise. Read on to...

4 unexpected benefits of exercise

If you exercise regularly, you'll be glad to know you've been getting more benefits than you may have realized. Find...

10-Minute Tuneups: Step it up!

Find 10 minutes for fitness with this step workout routine

The top 10 fitness trends for 2013

Want to shake off your holiday-fuelled bad habits and wipe the fitness slate clean for 2013? The American Council on...

5 tools to help you reach your fitness goals

Arm yourself with these diet and exercise tools, and you'll be well on your way to completing your fitness goals

Tout icon

Weight-loss workout plan: Lose 10 lbs in 6 weeks

Got a weight-loss goal? This calorie-burning workout can help

5 tips to get the most out of personal training

Looking to hire a personal trainer, but not sure if it's worth the money? Here are five tips to ensure...

A gym bag for every workout style

Motivate yourself to get to the gym with these adorable bags that are suited to every fitness style

Fitness trend: Snowboarding

Not only does snowboarding work your legs and abs, it's a fun way to exercise outside in the colder months

Fitness: Study warns against mixing painkillers with exercise

Do you ever pop an ibuprofen before a workout as a preemptive measure to help ease muscle soreness? If so,

Spine stretch

Relieve tension in the hips and shoulders with this stretch that improves alignment

Wall squat

Squats are great for improve balance and flexibility. Doing this stretch against a wall will help ensure proper form

Hamstring stretch with chair

This stretch is great to do after a brisk walk or run

Chest stretch

Chest muscles can become tight from strength training. Give your shoulders better flexibility with this chest stretch

Mermaid Stretch

Lengthen tight muscles with this mystical-sounding stretch

News: Can running shorten your life?

It can help you lose weight and de-stress, but according to a new study, running can also shorten your life.

10-Minute Tuneups: Step Workout Video

Fit this 10-minute step workout into your day for an easy way to get fit

How to exercise with an Ugi fitness ball

Have you tried this new Canadian fitness tool? Here's what to know

News: Study suggests watching horror movies will help you lose weight

Planning on skipping tonight’s workout in favour of watching a Halloween-inspired horror movie? The results of a study from the