Should you try a 30-day yoga challenge?
If you're in need of a new fitness challenge, a 30-day commitment to yoga might be your best bet. Find...

10 of the best cities to see on a run
Explore new sights and enjoy scenic views with a trip to one of these runner-friendly cities

Reclining Pigeon Pose
This stretch helps ease tight hips by lengthening the IT band

10 must-run races in Canada
Here are 10 Canadian races worth travelling for

3 ways to shed pregnancy weight
Once you get the go-ahead to exercise after giving birth, try these fun activities to get your post-baby body back...

Cross-training for runners
Get race-ready with more strength training and less running. This minimalist running plan targets the glutes, legs and core for...

Q & A with Olympian Paula Findlay
We caught up with 23-year-old Paula Findlay to get her reflections on the past year, and to see what's in...

9 spring activities to burn 200 calories or more
Say goodbye to slush and snow and get ready to burn some calories in the beautiful spring weather

5 ways your sports bra may be sabotaging your workout
Is your sports bra letting you down? Find out how to get the right fit and keep an ill-fitting sports...

Spring gear: Sports bras and running shoes
Shoes and a sports bra tailored to your fitness needs are critical to your comfort, performance and safety while working...

6 ways yoga will help you stay young
Sure, yoga helps you look and feel great now. But new research shows it can also help keep you feeling...

The body weight workout
The latest exercise craze doesn't involve bells, whistles, flexy bands or any other special equipment. Instead, it uses you. Body...

Our best 10-minute workout routines
Ideally, we should be getting 30 minutes of fitness a day. But when time is tight, doing our 10-minute workouts...

10-Minute Tuneups: The towel workout video
Try the towel workout for a challenging 10-minute fitness routine you can do anywhere

3 ways to best fuel yourself for yoga class
Your eating habits can have a big impact on how you feel during a yoga session, and afterwards. Here's what...

Ida Herbert: The world’s oldest yoga instructor
Is yoga the secret to staying young? If this 96-year-old yoga instructor is any indication, it just might be

Fitness trend: Joining a swim club
Should you start swimming with a group? Here's how one woman dove right in and rediscovered an old passion

10-Minute Tuneups: Fresh moves
Anyone can find 10 minutes for fitness. Try this workout to keep your routine fresh and exciting

What it Feels Like to Work Out with Jillian Michaels
The words “I want to see blood, sweat and tears” were actually spoken.

Essential yoga gear
Get prepped for yoga with this gear that will help you stretch, flex and pose your way to yoga bliss

10-Minute Tuneups: Mini boot-camp workout video
Anyone can find 10 minutes for fitness. These traditional boot-camp moves provide maximum benefit in minimal time

10-Minute Tuneups: Kick-butt cardio workout video
Anyone can find 10 minutes for fitness. This cardio workout includes a little bit of everything to maximize your time

10-Minute Tuneups: Dance workout video
Anyone can find 10 minutes for fitness. Try this dance workout for a fun and easy way to get fit

7 unusual ways to improve your fitness
Want to get a better workout? These surprising fitness tips can help

5 yoga poses to help you look good naked
Sculpt long, lean muscles with these yoga poses

Seated spinal twist
Improve mobility and posture through your lower back with this spinal stretch

Dynamic Low Lunge
This low lunge helps to loosen tight hip flexors

Sumo squat
This is a great stretch for runners because it helps prevent tight muscles

Shoulder sweeps
A shoulder injury can be debilitating. Prevent injury with this stretch