Workout tips that actually work
Need a little motivation to get active? Allow your fellow Best Health readers to inspire you

7 exercises that help you look good in jeans year-round
Just because summer is coming to an end doesn't mean you have to give up on toned legs and a...

10-Minute Tuneups: Get sculpted abs
Tone your tummy with this fun workout

Wrist action: How the newest activity trackers get you fit
Gone are the days of a simple pedometer. The latest activity trackers record data from all aspects of your life

Bonnie’s Blog: My Electric Workout
Bonnie during a workout A few weeks back, I was invited to try a new way to work out. Body

10 essential stretches for summer athletes
Don't let an injury sideline you for the summer. Stretch regularly to get the most out of your workouts

Boost your energy with Wide Leg Hero Pose
Sometimes, a simple stretch can strengthen the mind and body

The fitness benefits of softball
Rebecca Sutcliffe and Katie Reynolds tell us why we should take up softball

Are obstacle races getting too dangerous?
Gruelling obstacle races are an increasingly popular'and dangerous'challenge. What does it take to conquer one, and should you even try?...

10-Minute Tuneups: Stephanie Joanne’s leg toning workout
Summertime is the seasons for shorts, skirts and dresses. Tone your legs any time with this 10 minute routine. If...

8 stretches to ease tight hips
Achy, tight hip flexors are a common problem, especially if you have a desk job. Get relief with these stretches

Celeb trainer Tracy Anderson shares fitness tips and her workout playlist
Celebrity fitness trainer Tracy Anderson (she’s friends with Gwyneth Paltrow!) was recently in Toronto to treat a few members of

Is it safe to freeze away your fat cells?
A non-surgical treatment now offered in Canada promises to take inches off your problem areas. Here's how it works

10-Minute Tuneups™: Get toned arms, quick
Get toned up, and stronger, with this fast workout for your arms

Find the foam roller best for you
Foam rollers are a great way to reduce post-workout muscle soreness and knead away tension. Here are three brands to...

The 10 rules of a peaceful yoga class
These often unspoken rules of yoga can help you stay zen on your mat and get the most out of...

The perfect reason to use a foam roller
Knead away muscle tension and post-workout soreness with this DIY option

Fresh take on fitness: Fusion workouts
We've decoded some of the newest combination fitness classes, including Piloxing, AcroYoga, and more

Fitness Trend: Webcam classes
Online workouts allow you to take classes from instructors based anywhere

Office Hip Stretch
This yoga stretch helps relieve muscles that are tight from sitting for long periods

This 10-Minute Resistance Band Workout Will Tone Up Your Body In No Time
Watch your body transform.

10 winter Olympic sports and the muscles they use
Inspired by the amazing athletics you're seeing in Sochi, Russia this winter? Lucky for us Canadians, it's easy to take...

10-Minute Tuneups: Kick It Up!
Cardio fitness for your core and glutes

Sochi 2014: Your guide to the Olympic Winter Games
Stay up-to-date on the latest news from the 2014 Sochi Olympic Winter Games

Sochi 2014: NHL Islander John Tavares
Family and friends keep hockey player John Tavares grounded as he prepares for his first Olympic Games

Sochi 2014: Slopestyle snowboarder Spencer O’Brien
When slopestyle snowboarding was accepting into the 2014 Olympics, it was a dream come true for this B.C. native

Sochi 2014: Curling’s Jennifer Jones
Canadian curling champion Jennifer Jones talks about heading to her first Olympics

Sochi 2014: Canadian freestyle skier Rosalind Groenewoud
Competing in the new Olympic sport of ski halfpipe, "Roz G" is considered a serious medal contender for Canada

Sochi 2014: New Olympic events
Get excited, Canada! These new Olympic sports promise to up Canada's medal count and make Sochi 2014 one of our...