Heptathlete Brianne Theisen-Eaton: In Her Prime and Training for Rio
She's looking forward to competing at the 2015 Pan Am Games in Toronto, but what's really on Canadian heptathlete Brianne...

How to Choose the Best Fitness Tracker for Your Lifestyle
Can health trackers actually help you improve your health? With a little coaching, the experts say yes. Here's how to...

The One Exercise That Will Flatten Your Stomach in 10 Minutes
How to fix diastasis recti.

Canada’s Pan Am Divers: Life In and Out of the Pool
Want the inside track on how Pan Am athletes tackle their health priorities? Here's a look at the routines, priorities...

How to Avoid Running Injuries
If you’re a runner, you’ve probably experienced some pain and discomfort throughout your training. Many runners may not realize that

New to Canada: Technogym Home Gym Equipment
Thinking about a home gym? We talk shop with Technogym founder and president Nerio Alessandri, who recently brought his Italian...

Sweat-Wicking Summer Sports Gear
There's nothing worse than overheating during a sweaty workout. Pick the right gear to ensure you stay calm, cool and...

3 tips for faster post-workout recovery
Cut down on workout recovery time by refuelling your body and giving it proper rest

10-Minute Tuneups: Boost your posture
Stand taller thanks to this 10 minute workout

ClassPass: Is it worth the hype?
With the rise of fitness subscription companies like ClassPass and Fitset, we asked Vancouver-based fitness instructor Amanda Vogel for her...

Harley Pasternak’s best weight loss advice
We sat down with celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak to talk about healthy snacks and the fitness advice he gives his...

10-Minute Tuneups™: Free weights
Exercise helps deplete stress hormones and instantly triggers the release of mood-boosting endorphins. Do this routine daily to relieve stress

The fitness benefits of snowshoeing
Snowshoeing is a great way to get outside and enjoy winter. Plus, it's easy to do and requires minimal equipment....

10-Minute Tuneups™: Yoga for better sleep
Relax your body, and your mind, with this bedtime yoga routine that's guaranteed to help you sleep better

Join the circus: A fun new way to get fit
When you think of acrobatics, trampolining and the trapeze, you generally think of the circus or an amazing Cirque du...

Fitness: Video games make your indoor workout more interesting
Treadmill running can be boring. Here's how to make your workout more interesting.

Barre3 studio arrives in Canada
On Monday, barre3 will open its first Canadian studio at 325 King St. West in Toronto. The workout is a

Recovery stretch
Bounce back faster after a workout by doing this stretch before you hit the showers

The benefits of hiking
Find a way to get outside regularly this fall and your body will thank you. Here's how hiking can help

8 stretches you can do at your desk
Sitting for extended periods of time without a proper break can lead to back pain, neck strain and worse. Here's...

The #1 reason to schedule your workouts
Taking the time to regularly exercise can actually help you balance a hectic schedule. Here's how

Meet the fittest woman on earth
Canadian athlete Camille Leblanc-Bazinet was recently named the 'Fittest Woman on Earth.' Here's a glimpse into her intense training

Winter gear: Fitness picks to keep you active and warm
Stay active despite Canada's rapidly dropping temperatures. Our roundup of fitness gear can help you stay warm, whether you're simply...

Dynamic stretching: Try forward leg swing
Before workouts, the new thinking is that it's a good idea to warm up with 'dynamic stretches.'

10-Minute Tuneups: The better butt workout
Sculpt and lift your glutes with this fast workout

Off-road running: How to pick a trail shoe
Take your run off-road: These running and hiking shoes are designed with enhanced traction

Are you at risk for runner’s knee?
Repeatedly pounding the pavement can do a number on your knees. Here's how to prevent pain and injury

Fitness: How to rev your metabolism in two minutes
AMRAP: How this acronym can rev your metabolism in just two minutes

Best Stretch: Reclining Twist
Make stretching part of your daily wellness routine