Nutrition11 tips for gluten-free grocery shopping The gluten-free diet presents a great opportunity to reinvent the way you shop and to go back to the roots of healthy eating
FitnessGet a stronger core in 4 easy steps A strong core is more than just pretty abs. Here’s how to strengthen your core to make you stronger for all your daily activities
LifeChicago is a great family vacation spot Last weekend my husband and I went to Chicago to celebrate our anniversary. I fell in love with this city
Skin9 tips for a clearer complexion You don’t have to spend a fortune on cosmetics. For best results, take care of yourself with natural products and try our tips for healthy-looking skin
Healthy Eating10 dinners that will help you lose weight When you’re trying to slim down, small changes to your daily diet can make all the difference. Here are 10 healthy dinners that will help you lose weight
BeautyNews: Are Twinkies the new fad diet? Can you lose weight eating Twinkies and Doritos? A nutrition professor at Kansas State University has proven that yes, indeed
HealthWhat to eat if you have Crohn’s disease or colitis Getting your diet and nutrition right is essential to coping with the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
HealthThe whole-life makeover Cora Coady, our Vichy Best Health Challenge winner, is on the road to finding balance in her life thanks to life coach Susan Biali
Health6 ways smoking affects your oral health Practically everyone knows that cigarettes can have a deadly impact on your body. Here are six ways that smoking is particularly bad for your oral health
BeautyBeauty Buzz: Limited-edition Lanvin for H&M lipsticks If you’re a fashion fan, and you’re lucky enough to live near one of the five H&M stores in Canada