Nutrition7 easy ways to cut the salt out of your diet You don’t need to be addicted to salt. Try these salt-reduction strategies, and within a week or two, you won’t miss it at all
BeautyNews: Is exercise an effective treatment for depression? New research published in the British Medical Journal suggests that exercise is actually not effective in helping to lift depression,
BeautyNews: Would you eat a virtual treat? If you could be tricked into thinking you’re eating more than you actually are, or make a tasteless, low-calorie snack
HealthThe 5 worst energy zappers and how to beat them Lack of sleep isn’t the only thing that’s making you tired. Find out if one of these five energy zappers are to blame
Food Tips3 days of camping dinners Eat more than hot dogs and roasted marshmallows on your next camping trip with this dinner menu from Editor-in-Chief Bonnie Munday
LifeYour camping essentials checklist Wondering if you’ve packed everything you’ll need to camp in the great outdoors? Check our list so you don’t forget any of these camping essentials
FitnessÉmilie Heymans on preparing for the Olympics Olympian Émilie Heymans is working hard to win for Canada at her fourth Olympics. Find what she’s done to prepare for the London 2012 Summer Games, and check out our behind-the-scene video from her photo shoot
HealthThe benefits of daydreaming Our story Dream On’,in the summer issue of Best Health, explained why daydreaming is actually good for us. Here are more reasons why letting your mind drift can help you be healthier
Health4 natural bug repellents Try these non-chemical alternatives to keep insects away and avoid bug bites naturally
Fitness6 reasons you’re not losing weight Feel like you’ve tried everything to lose weight and nothing is working? Check out these barriers to weight loss and find out if one of them is getting in your way