Skin3 shocking stats about sun protection Sunscreens may help protect us from the sun’s harsh rays, but they still need improvement. Here’s what you need to know to stay safe
BeautyEvent: Dove presents Women Who Should Be Famous Last night I attended Dove’s Women Who Should Be Famous event’an evening which shone the spotlight on some real women
BeautyEvent: A day in the life of a coffee tester, plus: How healthy is coffee? A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that coffee drinkers live longer than those who abstain.
BeautyBonnie on a Bike: Training for a 100-k Cycling Challenge. Countdown: 76 Days to Go Since that first ride home on my Specilized bike from Gears bike shop in Port Credit’21k to my home in
Nutrition5 foods that fight sun damage Want to maintain healthy skin in the heat? Here are five delicious ways to do it
BeautyDebate: Could cute kids be more effective than the new graphic cigarette labels? Canadian smokers will notice their cigarette packages have gotten a bit of a gruesome makeunder as the new, mandatory labelling’covering
Hair5 celebrity summer hairstyles we love Out with the blah and in with the wow! Get ready to shake up your ‘do with these popular Hollywood celebrity hairstyles this summer
Health7 ways to fight allergies naturally Over-the-counter products aren’t your only option for treating allergies. We asked two experts to weigh in with natural ways to prevent and treat reactions. Here are seven options
BeautyBonnie on a Bike: Training for a 100-k Cycling Challenge. Countdown: 82 Days to Go! Back in December, I got on a bicycle for the first time in many years. I was in California to
HealthCelebrate your body with a boudoir photo shoot Meet four women who celebrated their accomplishments in a unique way: with a photo shoot