LifeWhy it’s important to keep your cat’s nails groomed Are your cat’s claws healthy? Read on for grooming tips, and find out whether or not you should declaw your cat
HealthBest Health: What we’ve learned in 5 years For the rest of 2013, our 5th Anniversary year, we’ll take a look back at how things have changed since Best Health was created
Nutrition9 incredible cancer-fighting foods Add these healthy foods to your diet to keep your body strong and boost your immunity against cancer
Best Health Magazine: March/April 2013 Looking for the tips and advice we mentioned in the March/April 2013 issue of Best Health? Find more on the topics covered in the magazine and share your thoughts with us right here
BeautyNews: Why mixing diet soda with alcohol may be dangerous If you’re wondering why it feels like you had two drinks instead of one, it could be because you mixed
HealthThe 6 best exercises for heart health Improve your cardiovascular fitness with these heart-pumping types of physical activity
Health7 essential skincare tips for men From shaving and acne, to moisturizing and sunscreen, we got the scoop on men’s skincare
Healthy EatingFast-Food Swap: Salads Are salads better than burgers? Not always. Check out these fast-food salad swaps for healthier menu options
BeautyMeatless Monday: Easy Veggie Pizza It’s inevitable. In February, I spend the cold, grey days daydreaming of summer. Last August, my then-boyfriend (now fiance) and
LifeSecrets of what men really want What do men really want? We asked our boyfriends and spouses a few pointed questions about their fantasy vehicle, vacation, female celeb, and more. The answers were revealing! Here’s just a sample of the responses