Nutrition4 foods trends that aren’t going anywhere Some food fads come and go, but these popular (and healthy) food movements are here to stay
LifeCould your pooch be a therapy dog? Is your dog a great companion that always boosts your mood? Here’s how to share the puppy love with people in need
HealthThe health benefits of kombucha This all-natural drink has become popular with nutrition buffs and celebs alike. Find out how it offers a health boost
Beauty66 days to change: Stumbles and falls I thought that it would be Valentine’s Day that did me in, but it wasn’t, it was Ye Ole Faithful,
BeautySochi 2014: From Russia, With Love I’m feeling the love in Sochi on this Valentine’s Day. It’s not the heart-shaped balloons floating around, or the many
Beauty66 days to change: Are we too busy to be healthy? This week I had one of those days where it was all a little too busy. And I didn’t like
BeautyValentine’s Day: Spread the love and support SickKids Congenital heart defects are the most common birth defect and each year, about one out of every 100 babies born
BeautyHockey Night in Sochi (Photo courtesy of the Canadian Olympic Committee) The Canadian women’s hockey team faced off against their U.S. counterparts last night.
BeautyNews: Can shivering make you slimmer? Finally, a reason to appreciate Canada’s long, cold winter. Turns out, shivering and exercise are similar when it comes to
BeautyGuest post: Say ‘I love you’ with ethical chocolate Would you say no to chocolate on Valentine’s Day? In 2004, Canadians spent $278 million on Valentine’s Day chocolate and