BeautyMeatless Monday: Vegan Cauliflower BBQ Wings It’s officially my last week of work here at Best Health (and my last Meatless Monday post) before my mat
Beauty5 charity fitness events that don’t involve running You don’t need to be a runner to participate in a charity fundraising challenge. These five events will get you active’no running required
HealthIs it menopause? Questions to ask yourself It’s not always easy to know whether you’re going through perimenopause, that phase leading up to your last menstrual period. Here’s what to know about the 3 stages of menopause
Health8 natural alternatives to ease menopause symptoms Want to go the natural route to help treat your menopause symptoms? Here are some options that might work for you
BeautyGet up! Why you need to start moving during the day This week is Sneak It In Week – a campaign from ParticipACTION, a non-profit organization that is fighting against inactivity
Health5 common mouth sores and how to care for them Our lips, tongues, cheeks and other mouth parts have lots of nerve endings, so when they get cuts and scrapes, they can feel pretty painful. Luckily, they’re not hard to treat
MakeupCanadian celebs spill their best beauty secrets We asked four Canadian celebrities for the beauty essentials that keep them looking fabulous
BeautyA View From Nunavut. Day 7: Saying Goodbye The community feast. My last day in the Far North coincides with ‘Hamlet Day,’ which involves a Cape Dorset community
BeautyNews: Vitamin A fights precancerous cells One of the best parts about working at a health magazine is researching the latest advancements in disease-prevention. It’s hopeful
BeautyA View From Nunavut. Day 6: Sharing Experiences The beautiful, desolate Nunavut landscape. I spent the unusually long, cold and snowy Toronto winter bundling my two little kids