Makeup6 Canadian spas to visit this summer You don’t need to travel too far this summer to get pampered. Here are six of the best spas Canada has to offer
Health5 commonly overused medications Do you reach for a bottle of pills at the first sign that something’s wrong? Here, an expert weighs in on the most commonly overused medications
BeautyBonnie’s Cycling Adventure in Cape Cod Life is good when you have sunshine and nothing to worry about for four days but cycling from point A
BeautyCould you survive the Fed Up challenge? By now you may have seen the documentary called Fed Up. Directed by Stephanie Soechtig, the film challenges everything everything
HealthHealthy Canada: Halifax Atlantic Canada’s largest city comes alive in the summer months. Here’s what to do and see when you’re in Halifax
Life10 tips for a happier workplace You don’t have to be friends with your coworkers, but you do need to be friendly. Read on for fresh ways to make work a kinder, gentler place
Healthy EatingWhat can Canada learn from Brazil’s proposed food guide? This South American country has a unique plan to combat its growing obesity problem
BeautyNews: Tracking Nutrition Trends report reveals Canadians’ habits Kate Comeau is a registered dietitian and manager of public relations and media for Dietitians of Canada. I got a
Nutrition10 delicious dishes for a happy belly Do you get an upset stomach after some meals? Here are 10 delicious dishes with known belly-friendly ingredients to keep you satisfied and stomach pain-free
BeautyGet active for Healthy Me Week Canadian Olympian Mark Oldershaw and Freggie, the Fuel Up! mascot. Earlier today I attended the official kickoff for this year’s