FitnessHow To Enjoy Your Vacation Without Gaining Weight Follow these easy tips to prevent yourself from coming home with extra pounds.
Health10 Tips to Help You Recover From a Cold, Faster Speed up recovery and fend off future sickness with these helpful strategies.
FitnessI Tried It: Surfing in Ireland Ireland isn’t the first location that comes to mind when you think about surfing. Melissa Greer learns why it’s a hot spot for beginners.
SkinThe Truth About Antioxidants and Your Skin Are antioxidant-rich skincare products as effective as they say they are? Best Health checked the science behind the claims.
RecipesThe Ultimate Berry Detox Smoothie Berries and beets are a unique combo that make for a tasty smoothie.
RecipesTropical Strawberry and Pineapple Smoothie Sipping on this healthy strawberry and pineapple smoothie will help you feel like you’re relaxing on a wonderful beach getaway.
HealthThe Amazing Ancient Beauty Practice That Still Works Today Why going old school – like really old school – may give you an “A” for glowing, healthy skin.