Health3 Ways to Show Yourself a Little Self-Care Practicing a few minutes of self-care every day is an important step to staying happy and healthy.
Health59 Rampant Health Myths That Need to Die Your mother lied to you: Carrots will not improve your eyesight. We’re setting the record straight about the health myths you’ve heard your whole life.
Health20 Things Every Canadian Should Do At Least Once Before Summer is Over Don’t let the last warm, beautiful days of the season go to waste!
Health7 Stomach Pains and What They Mean We all have tummy troubles now and again, but certain symptoms may signal something more serious. If you experience any of these pains, see your doctor so you can get your digestive tract running smoothly again.
Health10 Ways Your Body Is Telling You You’re Running Low on Key Vitamins Your body gives you a lot of information, including what’s going on inside that you may not be able to see. The key is to pay attention to symptoms—sometimes sneaky ones—so you can get the nutrients you need to feel great again.
Nutrition50 Things Nutritionists Never Eat—So You Shouldn’t Either Want to know what the experts avoid? Here’s the list of foods, processed goods, ingredients, and chemicals that nutritionists won’t put on their plates.
LifeWhat Doctors Wish You Knew About Sex Addiction Sex addiction is now considered a real mental health disorder. We got sex therpists to explain what it really means to be a sex addict.
Food TipsThe Best Post-Workout Snack Ideas These energizing snacks pack the right nutrients to help you recover from your workout without undoing your calorie burn.
Healthy Eating10 Foods That Can Make You Age Faster You already know the sun, stress, and your genes can cause you to age before you’re due, but what about your diet? Nutritionists share the foods you should avoid if you want to stay looking vibrant and youthful.