Fitness10 Running Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making Running can be a good, inexpensive way to stay in shape and relieve stress, but not if you’re doing it wrong.
Health7 Surprising Home Remedies for Teeth Grinding Health experts offer home remedies to help reduce teeth grinding and prevent complications like jaw pain.
FitnessShin Splints: Why They Happen and How to Avoid Them Do your shins ache when you run, dance, or jump around? It may be shin splints. Here are the symptoms, treatments, and ways to prevent this painful and common injury among runners.
HealthShay Mitchell Shares the Best Way to Support Any Mom in Your Life The Canadian actress talks about life as a new mom and what she’s up to in quarantine.
Health10 Surprising Ways Gardening Is One of the Healthiest Things You Can Do To stay fit and healthy, reap these surprising health benefits of gardening, from boosting your immune system to sharpening your brain.
Fitness22 Weight Loss Secrets From Around the World Worth Stealing Just about every culture has some habit that can help keep people healthy.
Health8 Things Pain Doctors Do to Prevent Arthritis Rheumatologists and other pain management doctors offer the healthy habits they follow to avoid arthritis pain, from an anti-inflammatory diet to yoga.
SkinIf You Have Acne-Prone Skin, Read This Before You Apply Sunscreen A dermatologist reveals the sunscreen ingredients to watch out for.
Health9 Science-Backed Reasons to Try Adult Colouring Books Colouring books are not just for kids, they can relax the mind and provide stress relief for adults, too. Here’s how.
Mental HealthHow to Know If Your Worries Are a Deeper Problem At its core, anxiety is the body’s most basic survival mechanism—the fight-or-flight response. No wonder then that in these panicky days of a pandemic, so many of us are walking around worried sick.