Health6 Fantastic New Movies to Get You Out of Your Streaming Slump Plus, books, TV shows, and other things to look forward to in 2021.
Health6 Types of Heart Disease Doctors Need You to Know Heart disease is the second leading cause of death in Canada. Here’s what to know about the types of heart disease, plus heart health tips.
Mental HealthCould Your Chest Tightness Be Due to Anxiety? Why It Happens You should always take chest tightness seriously, but there are ways to help tell if it’s from anxiety or something else. Here’s what to know.
FitnessHow to Manage a Healthy Weight Through Lockdown Lockdown makes everything harder — including healthy eating. We asked experts to share easy tips and tricks that can help.
HealthHow Trey Anthony Found Strength Through Vulnerability Canadian writer, playwright and coach Trey Anthony shares the lessons passed down from her stoic grandmother, and how learning to be vulnerable helped her through a dark time.
Fitness9 Ways to Build Muscle Fast, According to Trainers Looking to pack on muscle in a short period of time? Follow these expert-approved tips and tricks for how to build muscle fast.
Fitness16 Moves Fitness Trainers Wish You’d Stop Doing Sit-ups aren’t as easy or as safe as you think. Save yourself from potential injuries by avoiding these exercises.
HealthHow to Build A Self-Care Plan, According to Experts Show up for yourself by developing and committing to a self-care plan, such as nightly journaling, for a healthy and balanced life.
LifeWhat Is Breadcrumbing? How to Spot This Red Flag in Relationships If you’re worried the person you’re dating is stringing you along by breadcrumbing you, here’s how to tell and what you can do about it.
Healthy EatingIf You Hear About the Reverse Dieting Trend, This is What You Need to Know Experts explain a trend that is making its way from the pro-athlete world into the mainstream