Health30 Healthy Habits to Adopt Now, According to Every Type of Doctor We asked medical professionals about the healthiest habits that anyone could implement in their everyday lives. Here are their best pieces of advice for living well.
Health35 Secrets Your Dentist Won’t Tell You What came out of their mouths will change the way you treat yours.
Mental HealthHow to Move Ahead When the Tank Feels Empty Aisha Ahmad leans on her experience working in disaster zones to reflect on the year that was.
Mental Health3 Ways to Beat the Winter (Pandemic) Blues Here are three things to do—and 15 products—that will help you cheer up right now.
SkinDoes Facial Reflexology Work? Facial reflexology is an alternative medicine treatment that proponents claim can heal many parts of the body. Here’s what the science says, and whether it’s worth trying.
NutritionAmaranth: This Grain’s Nutrition, Benefits—Plus Recipes Amaranth is a gluten-free seed that is full of protein, fibre, and micronutrients.
COVID-19How to Create and Keep a Daily Routine During a Pandemic A daily routine can provide feelings of predictability, normalcy, and control during pandemic stress.
Sexual Health5 Easy Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Ease Perimenopause Symptoms We spoke with Dr. Renee Morissette, a certified menopause practitioner at the Women’s Mid-Life Health Program of Saskatchewan, about small changes that can have a big effect on perimenopause symptoms.
HealthMamelon Teeth: Why You Have Ridges on Your Teeth Mamelon bumps are ridges on the edges of teeth.
NutritionHow Bad Are Fried Foods, Really? Fried foods can be heavy in calories and cooked in unhealthy oils.