Fizzy pink lemonade
One cup of this pretty pink drink has 140 calories and 32 g sugar.

Fizzy elder?ower pressé
Elderflower isn’t just used as a natural home remedy for fever, it’s also an ingredient in some fizzy drinks. One cup of elderflower pressé has 100 calories and 25 g sugar.

Blueberry-?avoured sports drink
If you reach for sports drinks instead of water after a workout, keep in mind that one cup has 63 calories and 15 g of sugar.

Ginger ale
Ginger root has many health benefits, but the popular fizzy drink that’s made from it is a little less healthy. One cup has 100 calories and 24 g sugar.

Unsweetened coconut water
Coconut water is fat free, tangy but slightly sweet tasting and full of the electrolyte potassium. One cup has 45 calories and 10 g sugar.

Cherry-?avoured vitamin-enhanced water
Fruit-flavoured water may be more appetizing, but it has more calories and sugar than regular water. One cup has 51 calories and 14 g sugar.
• Are health drinks really healthy?
• 5 of the worst beverages
• 4 healthy hot drinks