1. How do you feel about c-sections?
A) Glad they exist for emergencies, but I don’t want one.
B) Neutral. If I need one, fine. If not, that’s great, too.
C) Yes, please.

Good to know:
Although Canada’s c-section rate is (at the time of this writing) over a quarter of childbirths, the prevalent “too posh to push” mom is a myth, according to University of Toronto research. Only 1 percent of women ask for c-sections. Most women receive them because labour fails to progress. “After about 12 hours of labour and not dilating enough, we discussed it with my doctor and decided a c-section would be best as the baby’s head was quite large and it didn’t look as though I would be able to deliver naturally,” Charlottetown mom Carol O’Hanley recalls.

2. Delivering your baby at home:
A) Seems natural and more relaxing than going to the hospital.
B) Is not your first choice, in case something were to go wrong.
C) Fills you with horror.

Good to know:
If you chose B or C, you’re not alone-the majority of births in Canada happen in hospitals. However, many women swear by having a baby at home. “We had the most amazing births for both our kids,” says Shauna Harper, a Prince George, B.C., mom. “Right after I had the babies, I was able to hop into my own shower while the midwife folded up the pads (all pre-set up) and we had clean sheets and were able to be in our own bed right away. It really helped with a quick recovery.”

3. Do you want pain medication during labour?
A) No.
B) Probably.
C) Yes.

Good to know:
Whether to receive an epidural or pain medication is an issue with detractors and proponents of every stripe. Ultimately, it’s a personal situation predicated on each unique birth. “Since I didn’t have an epidural the first time I didn’t really want one the second time around, but I changed my mind through the labour,” says O’Hanley, who had one after six hours. It can help to be open-minded. Chat with moms and you’ll find the spectrum running from “Natural and no problem” to “I changed my mind” and “I wanted an epidural but missed the window.”

4. Have you considered a midwife?
A) I already have one, or have one in mind.
B) I don’t know much about them, so I’m just going with the flow and seeing a physician.
C) Not for me. I’m very happy with my obstetrician.

Good to know:
If you answered A), you probably know all about midwifery. But if you answered B), you might be under the impression midwives are only for home births. That’s not necessarily so: they can also assist in a hospital birth, depending on the province. (Learn more at www.canadianmidwives.org). “I rave about midwives,” says Harper, who relished the post-natal support. “Our midwife came to our house every day for a visit for the first week and a half or so. She would be there through an entire feeding cycle to make sure the babies were feeding properly,” she says.

5. How do you picture a perfect birth?
A) In a softly lit room with relaxation music, surrounded by loved ones.
B) I don’t know.
C) In a safe, sterile medical environment.

Good to know:
However you picture the ideal birth of your child, it’s good to be aware of different delivery possibilities. Many health-care practitioners recommend the practice of drafting a birth plan: a write-up including the specifics of care you would like to receive during labour and delivery. It’s also worth keeping an open mind and soliciting experiences of other parents (and not only your folks, as outdated medical practices including heavily sedated births and the exclusion of spouses in the delivery room were common two generations ago) to see the delivery style you’re most at ease with.