America’s love affair with travel
Travel is one of our favorite pastimes, whether it’s a hunger to catch Canada’s most scenic train rides, our haunted hotels, or the desire to head abroad and take advantage of travel deals on these major international destinations. But the nature of the trip changes as the age of the traveller gets younger, according to a new survey by the AARP, believe it or not.
Although AARP’s work tends to focus on adults over the age of 50, this year’s survey polled adults from ages 20 and up who had taken at least one trip of 50 miles or more for a two-night stay within the past two years. Close to 2,000 people responded to AARP’s survey, and they learned some surprising things about millennial travel, says AARP’s Vicki Gelfeld.

Health travel not a focus for millennials
One trend Gelfeld notes is that Americans see vacation time as a chance to fully recharge. One in five Americans – but just one in nine millennials – plan to travel in 2018 for the purpose of improving their health.
Want some tips on how to enjoy your vacation without gaining weight? Here are a few.

International travel on the rise
Millennials plan to head abroad with more frequency than older generations – nearly twice as often, on average. In all cases, the Caribbean, Latin America, and Europe are the most popular international destinations for American travellers.

Using up vacation time
Millennials do not believe in letting those free days go to waste. And eight out of 10 take all their vacation time, the most of any age group.

The fine line between work and play
Three out of four millennials admit that when they go on vacation in 2018, they plan to bring work with them; just over half of boomers would be willing to do work while away – which frankly makes more sense.
Before heading on your next trip, find out if you’re covered for health insurance.

Average cost
Millennials surveyed estimated they’d be shelling out nearly $7,000 in 2018 for their vacations. If that sounds like a lot, perhaps you’re a Gen-Xer: The ones surveyed estimated they’d spend only $5,400 on their 2018 travel plans.
Need more cash for your dream vacay? Try our top 5 tips to save for your dream vacay.

Adventure travel is trending down
When it comes to adventure travel, it may be on their bucket list but not on the agenda: Only 27 per cent of millennials are planning an extreme vacation in 2018.