The Grid foam roller
The Grid foam roller from Trigger Point comes in fun colours and patterns such as camouflage, and provides different “density zones” that stimulate massaging fingers. It comes in three lengths: five inches (perfect for travel), $30; 13 inches, $50; and 26 inches, $80 (360conditioning.com). -Amanda Vogel

Ens? Roller
The EvoFit Ens? Roller is customizable, so you can adjust the discs to conform to your body. ($89 [plus shipping], evofitforlife.com)

Jogi Foam Roller
The Jogi Foam Roller is a lightweight, inexpensive massage tool. ($15, at Real Canadian Superstores)
• The perfect reason to use a foam roller
• 6 surprising health benefits of massage therapy
• 10 stretches for your back