The Best Fitness Apps For Your Personality
Fitness apps that let you set goals for yourself or gain access to a personal trainer can strengthen your commitment to exercise, says a new study from the University of British Columbia. But with more than 150,000 fitness apps to choose from, how do you know what’s worth your precious time, money and phone storage?
While some people relish apps with lots of enticing bells and whistles, others prefer a more streamlined experience. To help you find the right fitness apps for your personality and style, I’ve rounded up the best fitness apps I’ve seen as a fitness instructor.

1) For The Adventurous and Outdoorsy Type
Try: AllTrails
What you’ll love about it: With more than 50,000 trail maps and reviews for walking, running, mountain biking and more, this app takes the guesswork out of finding the perfect hike and even how to get there. Filter trail searches by time commitment, fitness level, and family needs (think dog- and kid-friendliness). Free with in-app purchases; Apple, Android.

2) For The Techy Type
Try:Pear Sports
What you’ll love about it: Gain access to audio-instructed indoor and outdoor workouts from top trainers and athletes. Then use incoming data from your other tech devices, like a heart-rate monitor or activity tracker, to personalize Pear’s workout feedback in real time; compatible with multiple wearables, including Garmin and Apple Watch. Cost: Free with in-app purchases; Apple, Android.

3) For The Admitted Type A
Try:Keelo High-Intensity HIIT Workouts
What you’ll love about it: Created and instructed by certified CrossFit coaches, this app provides dozens of quickie, high-intensity workouts with the goal to perform as many reps as possible in the time allotted for each video-instructed exercise. The more self-directed and ambitious you are, the more motivating you’ll find this app. Cost: Free with in-app purchases to get more workouts; Apple

4) For The Busy Bee
What you’ll love about it: High-intensity interval training helps you work in a good workout quickly, and there are many apps that can help. The Seconds app stands out for its especially large, clear display—you can see the timer even if you’re not that close to your phone (or caught sans glasses). Also handy, is the ability to name each interval in a set (e.g., pushups, squat jumps), so you get a written or audio reminder of what exercise you’re supposed to be doing. Cost: Free but you’ll need the $6.99 upgrade to save your interval creations; Apple, Android

5) If You Prefer a Personalized Experience
Try: Trainerize
What you’ll love about it: Benefit from the guidance, motivation, and accountability of an online personal trainer who can create a personalized fitness program, help with meal planning and provide clear, video instructions of exercises he or she recommends for you—all within a single app! Search for a trainer at trainerize.com then download the app. Cost: App is free but training services come with a fee; Apple, Android, web

6) If You Could Use A Dose of Accountability
Try: Timeglass Countdown Timer
What you’ll love about it: This simple app allows you to set a timer for, say, a 30-minute walk or run, helping you stick to your promised workout from start to finish (forget about bailing early because you weren’t keeping track of the time). Create your own countdown timer or draw from the app’s suggestions, which include workouts, productivity, meditation, steeping tea and more. Cost: free with $3.99 upgrade; Apple

7) If You’re Just Getting Back In Shape
Try: Johnson & Johnson Official 7 Minute Workout
What you’ll love about it: Although you can find a few different “7-minute” fitness apps on the market, this one was born out of a research-backed article from the highly accredited American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Created and instructed by an exercise physiologist, the app provides short, full-body circuit training workouts you can do with just your bodyweight. Add your own playlist and customize the app based on your motivation to exercise and fitness level. Cost: Free; Apple, Android

8) If You’ve Got a Competitive Streak
Try: WeCompete
What you’ll love about it: Track your activity through the app, a Jawbone wearable or Apple Watch. Invite friends to join then compete against them and/or other app users on a leaderboard. The goal is to gain bragging rights and incentives for being highly active. Stay motivated to exercise via social support and friendly competition. Cost: Free at Apple

9) If You Love a Good Party
Try: RockMyRun
What you’ll love about it: Listening to music while you exercise can boost motivation and even ramp up effort. Choose from numerous in-app playlists representing different musical genres and adjust a song’s beats per minute (i.e., speed) to match your desired intensity and even your heartbeat or running/walking pace. Cost: Free with in-app purchases, Apple, Android

10) If You’re a Homebody
Try: Remix Workouts, Body Weight Circuits
What you’ll love about it: Developed by a Canadian fitness instructor, this app is one in a series of three, all designed for efficient at-home workouts. The apps hold literally thousands of possible workout combinations, and because the circuits move quickly from one audio- and video-instructed exercise to another, the risk of boredom is slim. Bonus: The more you use the app, the more it rewards you by “unlocking” new exercises to try. Cost: $2.59 for Android and $2.79 for Apple
Amanda Vogel is a certified fitness instructor in Vancouver. She blogs about health and fitness products at www.fitnesstestdrive.com.