Weeks 1 & 2: Standing Ab Contraction
A. Stand two arm’s-lengths apart from each other, back against a wall, arms near your sides and heels about six inches (15 centimetres) from the wall. Your bum, shoulders and the back of your head should be touching the wall.
B. Draw your abs toward the wall as you also flatten your lower back against it. With head and shoulders still touching the wall and abs tight, slide your arms up the wall, bending your elbows to 90 degrees. Your upper arms should be in line with your shoulders, and your lower back should remain flat against the wall.
C. Relax your shoulders. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then move on to the next exercise.
(Read “Partner up for sexy abs” to get the full program instructions.)

Weeks 1 & 2: Inchworms
A. Starting position (not shown): Both get onto your hands and knees. You should be beside each other, facing the same direction, with room to move forward. Align your hands under shoulders and tighten abs. Curl toes under, lifting knees off the floor and straightening legs. You should be balancing on palms and toes as in a push-up, with shoulders, hips and heels in line.
B. See grey diagram: Slowly “walk” your hands forward as far as you can.Keep your abs tight to prevent your back from arching downward.
C. See blue diagram: Take little steps on your toes, bringing your feet toward your hands. Keep your legs straight as your hips lift toward the ceiling. When you have stepped as far as you can, “walk” your hands forward again. Repeat sequence 10 times.
Make it easier: Don’t reach as far forward with your hands.
Weeks 1 & 2: Wheelbarrow
A. Get onto your hands and knees with your partner standing behind you. Your hands should be aligned under shoulders. Lift one foot, then the other, off the floor as your partner grasps your ankles, with your feet on either side of his legs. Your legs should be straight and your abs tight to protect your back from arching downward.
B. “Walk” slowly forward with your hands as your partner walks behind you, holding your legs. If much taller than you, your partner can walk with his legs slightly bent.
C. Continue for 30 seconds; switch positions with your partner. (No repetitions required.)
Make it easier: Your partner holds onto your shins instead of your ankles.

Weeks 1 & 2: Wheelbarrow
A. Get onto your hands and knees with your partner standing behind you. Your hands should be aligned under shoulders. Lift one foot, then the other, off the floor as your partner grasps your ankles, with your feet on either side of his legs. Your legs should be straight and your abs tight to protect your back from arching downward.
B. “Walk” slowly forward with your hands as your partner walks behind you, holding your legs. If much taller than you, your partner can walk with his legs slightly bent.
C. Continue for 30 seconds; switch positions with your partner. (No repetitions required.)
Make it easier: Your partner holds onto your shins instead of your ankles.

Weeks 1 & 2: Back-to-Back Overhead and Twisting Hand-offs
A. Stand back to back. Hold a medicine ball or other object you can safely pass overhead. Both take one small step away from each other so you’re about three feet (one metre) apart-distance will vary depending on your heights.
B. Straighten your arms overhead. Tighten your abs and pass the ball behind you to your partner. Allow your spine to extend as you both reach overhead and lean slightly back, still keeping abs tight.
C. When your partner receives the ball, both of you keep your arms straight and lower them so they are in front of you at chest level. Twist from the waist so you face in the same direction. Pass the ball horizontally. Twist to face the other direction; pass the ball. The sequence begins again with your partner passing the ball overhead to you. Repeat five to 10 times.
Make it easier: Do the overhead and twisting passes separately.

Weeks 3 & 4: Four-Point Kneel
A. Get on all fours facing each other, two arm’s-lengths apart. Align your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
B. Both you and your partner tighten your abs, and raise left leg and right arm (palm facing in), so you can grasp hands in the air. Your arm and your leg should both be parallel to the floor.
C. Hold for 30 seconds; switch sides. Move on to the next exercise. Make it easier Raise your arm or leg off the floor separately.

Weeks 3 & 4: V-Sit Ball Tosses
A. Sit facing each other. You should each be in a V-shape: sitting semi-reclined on your bum with legs and arms in the air, and abs tight. Bend knees slightly and place heels on the floor in front of you. You should be able to touch toes.
B. Hold a medicine ball (or other object that’s safe to toss). Toss it to your partner at chest level; he tosses it back to you. Keep your abs tight, shoulders back, chest up and spine straight.
C. Repeat 30 tosses.
Make it easier: Do V-sit without tossing an object. Hold for 30 seconds.
Weeks 3 & 4: Oblique Crunches with Hand Touches
A. Lie face up with knees slightly bent and heels on the floor. Your partner sits with knees on either side of your feet, facing you. Bend your arms, tucking your elbows into your body with your hands held close to your chest. Your partner raises his palms to face you.
B. Curl your torso upward to face your partner, lifting your head and shoulders off the floor. Twist slightly to your left as you reach across to touch your partner’s right hand with your right hand. Then twist to the right, touching your partner’s left hand with your left hand. Return to starting position.
C. Repeat for 12-15 reps, twisting to your left (touching right hand to partner’s right hand first) and another 12-15 reps twisting to your right (touching left hand to partner’s left hand first); switch positions with your partner.
Make it easier: Twist to one side only before returning to start.

Weeks 3 & 4: Oblique Crunches with Hand Touches
A. Lie face up with knees slightly bent and heels on the floor. Your partner sits with knees on either side of your feet, facing you. Bend your arms, tucking your elbows into your body with your hands held close to your chest. Your partner raises his palms to face you.
B. Curl your torso upward to face your partner, lifting your head and shoulders off the floor. Twist slightly to your left as you reach across to touch your partner’s right hand with your right hand. Then twist to the right, touching your partner’s left hand with your left hand. Return to starting position.
C. Repeat for 12-15 reps, twisting to your left (touching right hand to partner’s right hand first) and another 12-15 reps twisting to your right (touching left hand to partner’s left hand first); switch positions with your partner.
Make it easier: Twist to one side only before returning to start.

Weeks 3 & 4: Rotating Plank
A. Lie facing down beside each other, propped on your forearms with elbows aligned under shoulders. Tighten your abs and lift yourself off the floor so you’re balancing on your forearms and your toes. Your legs, hips, shoulders and head should be aligned. Hold for 10 seconds.
B. Rotate your body toward your partner, so you’re mirroring each other, hips off the floor. You should be balancing on your bottom forearm and the side of your bottom foot. Rest your top hand on your top thigh. Hold for 10 seconds before returning to the face-down plank.
C. Repeat the sequence four times. Then switch with your partner so you still face each other. Work the opposite side.
Make it easier: Bend your legs to support yourself on knees instead of toes.
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