Keep it balanced
A great breakfast includes a serving of protein, a serving of fruit, and a serving of whole grain carbs. It’s the perfect mix for healthy nutrition and not feeling hungry a few hours later. Unfortunately, many people think breakfast is a muffin, bagel, or bowl of cereal – all of them carbs that send your blood sugar soaring, then plunging a few hours later (meaning you’ll be searching for more food). For stable blood sugar and less hunger later, be sure to have a mix of foods.

Consider switching from coffee to green tea
In addition to its heart-protective benefits, green tea may also have weight-loss benefits. One study found that a cup of green tea appeared to raise the rate at which you burn calories and speed the rate at which your body uses fat.
Choose homemade granola over store-bought
Most store-bought brands are filled with sugar and fat. To make your own, mix 2 cups rolled oats with 1 cup dried fruits and seeds and a little brown sugar. Toast 3-5 minutes in a warm oven and store in an airtight container.

Aim for at least 5 grams of fibre each morning
Fibre fills you up, cleans your insides, and has zero calories. It’s the perfect ingredient for weight loss. Yet most of us eat far below the recommended daily amount. Change that by eating fibre-rich foods at breakfast. Just a few bites of a large raw apple, 1/2 cup of the high-fibre cereal, 1/2 cup of blackberries, or two slices of dark, whole grain rye bread will provide 5 grams. Or try a bowl of oatmeal, adorned with fresh berries.

Decorate some plain yogurt
Yogurt is among the world’s healthiest foods, and is a great basis for a healthy breakfast (count it as your serving of protein). Just beware the yogurt containers that come with fruit or flavors already mixed in. They’re packed with sugar and calories. Instead, spoon out some plain yogurt and dress it at home with cereal, berries, honey, or even a little dark chocolate. So much healthier!

Skip the latte
Forgo the large full-fat latte in favor of a small skim latte. This simple swap can save you 100 or more calories a day. It will also help keep sugar cravings in check, and blood sugar levels on an even keel.

Forget breakfast foods
Why limit yourself to the usual breakfast foods? No one ever said you had to choose cereal, eggs, orange juice, or a croissant every morning. For variety and health, have a bowl of soup, or a bowl of whole-grain pasta and sauce from last night’s dinner. Likewise, a sandwich and an apple is a perfectly healthy breakfast. Think out of the (cereal) box!
• The worst breakfast foods you can eat
• 3 steps to a better breakfast
• 5 ways to make breakfast a habit