Entwined with You
Entwined with You (Berkley) is the third book in the Crossfire series (a follow-up to Bared to You and Reflected in You) written by bestselling author Sylvia Day. Fans of Fifty Shades will be captivated by these stories featuring the “savagely gorgeous” blue-eyed billionaire Gideon Cross and his lover Eva Tramell.

Freud’s Mistress
Freud’s Mistress (Amy Einhorn Books/Putnam) is inspired by the rumoured real-life liaison between the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, and his sister-in-law, Minna Bernays. Their lively discussions on the politics, art, music and theatre of fin de siècle Vienna spark a romance that leads to heartache and betrayal.

What Do Women Want?
What Do Women Want? (Ecco) is a provocative read that debunks several myths about female sexuality. Journalist Daniel Bergner consulted behavioural scientists, psychologists and sexologists for the latest research on female desire and arousal. The findings challenge assumptions-the idea that the female libido is best suited to monogamy is “scarcely more than a fairy tale,” he writes, for example-making this an engaging page-turner.

S.E.C.R.E.T (Doubleday Canada) is an erotic novel starring heroine Cassie Robichaud, a lonely widowed waitress in New Orleans who discovers a clandestine society that helps women shed their inhibitions and realize their wildest fantasies. This book by L. Marie Adeline (a pseudonym of Canadian author Lisa Gabriele) is the first in a series that has attracted international attention. You may want to jump on this bandwagon now.
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