Genuine Health Fermented Vegan Proteins+
This has 20 grams of protein per 100-calorie serving, and is the “first fully fermented protein product.” It contributes to healthy gut flora and is easy to digest. ($50, 600 g, genuinehealth.com)

Vega Protein Smoothie
Created by Canadian Brendan Brazier, an endurance athlete and author of Thrive Energy Cookbook, this packs 15 grams of protein and 2 servings of veggies into a 90-calorie serving. ($20, 256 g, myvega.com)

Kaizen Vegan Protein
This dairy-, gluten- and soy-free powder has 25 grams of plant-based protein per 125-calorie scoop. Bonus: It comes in “the world’s first compostable protein bottle.” ($40, 840 g, kaizennaturals.com)