I tried it: P90X, day one
Last night was "day one" of my 90-day commitment to working out with P90X, an intense DVD fitness program that’s
Last night was "day one" of my 90-day commitment to working out with P90X, an intense DVD fitness program that’s transformed many and put the fear of God in others.
When I told people what I was planning, I mainly got a look of pity. And then it was the line: ‘You do know it’s hard, right?’ But with a public commitment (via this blog), I’m actually excited for it. I know my abs are underneath, waiting to be shown (for the first time ever).
The first workout of the 12-DVD series began with what could be my most weakest muscles: chest and back. That means a lot of push and pull exercises, like rows and presses.
I’ll be honest: I suck at push-ups. I can do a few, sure, but this was one tough workout. For my last two sets, I had my boyfriend spotting me so I didn’t fall on my face. The 52-minute workout included seven different types of push-ups!!! And there was one, which I couldn’t do at all (but I will in within the next 89 days!) called the dive-bomber push-up. Here’s how it’s done: ‘Move from a downward dog position (with wide hands and feet) to an upward dog position.’ I know, crazy, right?
There were a few other exercises with weights and a pull-up bar, too. I also didn’t have a pullup bar, so I had to do alternative exercises when required.
But I did finish the workout, thank you very much. Today my shoulders and back are a bit sore, but not unbearable. My boyfriend was pretty impressed that I did it. (What’s with all of these doubters anyways??)
Has anyone else done P90X? Any one in the midst of it? Perhaps we could motivate each other.
Tonight is plyometrics, which I know I will love. Next week I’ll post again to let you know how my first week goes.
Related articles:
‘ What push-ups can do for you
‘ 3 moves to strengthen your back
‘ Your pre-holiday workout routine