Boot camp is kicking my butt
When I got the invitation to take part in an editors’ boot camp put on by Booty Camp Fitness, I

When I got the invitation to take part in an editors’ boot camp put on by Booty Camp Fitness, I was intrigued. I’d always wanted to try one of these group workouts in the park’so long as it wasn’t at 6 in the morning. And after my trainer told me I had weak glutes‘and I failed in my attempts to get a home glute-strengthening workout going’I thought at least boot camp would get me stronger.
So I recruited associate editor Lisa Hannam to suffer with join me, and we’ve been heading down to the park after work to take part in the sessions. So far, I’ve learned the following:
‘ If it’s been a while since your last workout session (not counting cardio), make sure to schedule a couple of rest days after the first day of boot camp. You will be sore.
‘ I despise squat jumps up a hill (the instructor calls them "bunny hops", as if they’re cuter that way).
‘ Wheelbarrow races aren’t just for elementary school.
‘ Working out in the rain is a good thing’it cools you off. Just make sure you have dry clothes to change into right away.
‘ You can get stronger pretty fast’after only three sessions, my glutes and legs feel like they can do a lot more.
Of course, while I’d love a perkier butt, the main reason I’m supposed to be strengthening these muscles is to prevent running injuries. And with 24 (!) days until the half-marathon, which I’m under-prepared for, it’s probably good timing.
Do you find that stronger glutes make you a better runner?
To read about Lisa’s experience with boot camp, click here.
View all of Kat’s running posts on the Half-marathon diaries home page.
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