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Weights for women – this will get you real results from your workouts
Training with weights for women is finally (!) becoming buzzy in gyms and fitness studios. And while cardio and flexibility is still important women’s fitness has finally started to trend toward including more low-reps, strength-based training.
What does that mean to your workout? Moving away from 12-plus rep range. With more weight and
Here is a strength-based workout developed to improve your strength and athleticism.
When determining your working weight for a six- to eight-rep range, chose a weight that you can complete for six to eight reps only. If you cannot complete six reps the weight is too heavy. If you can complete more than eight reps, then choose a heavier weight.
We have three parts to this workouts that will get you exercising harder and smarter. Here is how to do the full workout:
Complete all three exercises in series A for four sets, then do all three exercises in series B for four sets. Finish off with series C exercises for three sets.

Reps workout series A
Kettlebell goblet squats
4 sets, 6 to 8 reps
Targets quads, glutes, hamstrings and core strength.
• Holding a kettlebell at your chest, maintain an upright position by bracing your core and retracting your lats.
• Squat down into a full range of motion, hips below your knees, and drive through your heels to extend your hips to a standing position.
• Exhale as you complete the movement.
Got four minutes? Of course you do! Try this four-minute kettlebell workout!

Reps workout series A
Box jumps
4 sets, 6 reps
Targets explosiveness and power.
• Begin with your feet hip-shoulder width apart.
• Hinge to bring your chest down and your to a 45 degree angle.
• Find full body tension and set your arms behind you. Explode and extending through your hips, bringing your arms up to jump onto the box, landing in the same starting positioning.
• Complete the movement by standing tall with hips in complete extension, and stepping down from the box.
Get all the workout routines you can do at home, right here.

Reps workout series A
Pendlay rows
4 sets, 6 to 8 reps
Targets your lats, low back and core strength.
• Stand with feet hip width apart, hinge to bring your chest down and your back parallel to the ground.
• Keeping your core engaged and braced, squeezing your glutes, row the barbell towards your chest with elbows back without lifting your torso.
• Exhale at the top. Inhale while extending your arms to complete the movement.
New to HIIT workouts? We have four programs you will love as a newbie.

Reps workout series B
Barbell deadlifts
4 sets, 6 to 8 reps
Targets glutes, hamstrings, low back and core strength.
• Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
• Brace your core as you hinge forward with a neutral spine to grasp the barbell.
• With your shoulders relaxed, begin to lift the barbell by pushing your hips forward and squeezing your glutes, as you stand upright.
• Return to your starting position to bring the bar back to the floor.
These are the five most effective moves from Barry’s Bootcamp.

Reps workout series B
Cossack squats
4 sets, 6 reps each side
Targets mobility of hips and ankles while strengthening quads, glutes, hamstrings and core.
• Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart, holding the weight at your chest.
• Begin by shift your weight to squat into your right heel while straightening your left leg, externally rotating to point your toes to the ceiling.
• Keeping your torso upright, return to your starting position by driving through your right heel to return to standing.

Reps workout series B
Single-arm dumbbell floor presses
4 sets, 6 to 8 reps each arm
Targets chest, shoulder stability and core strength.
• Laying on the ground with both legs straight, bring one dumbbell to your chest.
• Bend the same leg and extend the opposite arm on the ground for balance.
• Brace your core, squeeze your glutes and flex your quads as you press from the ground to an extended arm position.
• Return the dumbbell to the ground to complete the movement.

Reps workout series C
Dumbbell reverse lunges
3 sets, 8 to 10 reps each side
Targets core strength and stability, shoulder stability, glutes, quads and hamstrings.
• Begin with both dumbbells on your shoulders in a front rack position.
• Step backwards into a reverse lunge, aiming to bring your knee towards the ground.
• Drive through your front heel, engaging your glute to bring your back leg to meet your front foot.
Continue bracing through your core as you lunge.
Did you know lunges can help avoid running injuries. So can these other moves, too.

Reps workout series C
Renegade rows
3 sets, 8 to 10 reps each arm
Targets core strength and stability, hip stability, back shoulders, triceps and biceps.
• Using two dumbbells of the same weight, set-up in a high plank position with the dummbells under your shoulders, shoulder width apart.
• Create stability by squeezing you glutes, and bracing through your core finding tension through your entire body.
• Row the dumbbell to your chest, squeezing your lats at a controlled pace. Return the dumbbell to the ground by extending your arm.
• Maintain stillness in your hips and avoid shifting side to side by actively squeezing your glutes and engaging your core.
Inspired to get into #beastmode? We have five more workouts for you. And you can do them at home.

About Jennifer Lau
Jennifer is co-owner of FitSquad Toronto and is a highly accomplished personal trainer and holistic nutritionist with 10 years experience in the fitness and health industry. Her passion to empower women has lead her to become a leader in female training. She is head coach of Fit Squad’s all women’s training camp, has given corporate workshops and presentations on fitness and nutrition and can be found regularly contributing to media outlets in the city.