Elephant symbols
Both Buddhist and Hindu belief systems revere the elephant as godly or nearly godly animals. The elephant represents many things, from maternity and fertility to luck and wisdom. According to the home design site thespruce.com, the posturing of the elephant in the home is important to its symbolism. An elephant with its trunk in an upright position, for example, is thought to herald good luck.

Many people burn incense to achieve a sense of relaxation, but some believe it can rid the home of negative energy. In much the same way that the burning of sage is supposed to dispel impure spirits from a house, incense is supposed to cleanse all types of negativity. More into drawing energy from crystals? Here’s your beginner’s guide.

Horseshoe-shaped morsels are in your morning bowl of Lucky Charms, but why are they considered lucky? Historians trace the tradition back to Irish legends and tales. Some say it wards off the devil while others say it keeps evil fairy folk away. Whatever the case, placing an iron horseshoe above one’s front door is a classic way to protect the home.

Turtle symbols
Just as the Irish believe placing a horseshoe above the front door will provide protection, feng shui followers believe that the turtle (or tortoise) can guard the home. The tortoise is one of Feng Shui’s four celestial guardians, which makes it an extremely powerful symbol. Whether the turtle shell is real or just a piece of art, it is supposed to be a great protective and supportive charm over the front and back doors.

Chinese superstition declares a bamboo plant to be an integral part of the home. The number of stalks the plant has gives it different meanings. Never give someone a plant with four stalks, for example, because the number four in Chinese numerology is related to death and misfortune. And be sure to check out these medicinal plants that have major healing abilities.

The colour red
The colour red appears in several cultures across the world in connection with good fortune. The Chinese ring in the New Year with traditional red outfits and red envelopes containing money. In India, many brides wear the colour red on their wedding day as a symbol of purity and prosperity. Even by placing a red vase or rug somewhere in your home can increase your luck.

The Hamsa hand is a symbol important to Islamic and Jewish history, culture, and religion. It is meant to be a kind of protective amulet, and many people wear the Hamsa today as jewellery. Plus, it’s also a way to protect against the Evil Eye.

Pig symbols
“Shwein gehabt!” That’s what you would say if you were German and you just won the lotto. It’s an expression of good luck, but it literally translates into “got pig” in English. Unlike other symbols on this list, pigs are symbols of good fortune for a historical reason, not a religious one.

Carp scales
Some people keep pictures of their kids in their wallets. Some Europeans, however, keep carp scales in their billfolds. According to U.S. News & World Report, this fish is an essential part of Christmas tradition in countries such as Poland and Austria. After the carp is eaten, those who ate the meal keep a few of the fish scales with them to promote good fortune. (Note: If you don’t want to hang on to actual carp scales, you could probably just place a carp figurine in your home.)

Whether you keep some acorns in a bowl as decoration or place a couple on the windowsill in accordance with Nordic tradition is up to you. The reason acorns are considered symbols of protection and power is because cultures across the world and throughout the ages have revered the massive and enduring oak tree from which they fall.

Feng shui pieces
Feng shui is a very complex school of thought on how best to direct the flow of energy in your home so that it moves freely and organically, helping you live your best life. While the system is quite complex, one of the basic principles is the representation of the five Chinese elements in the home: wood, water, metal, earth, and fire. Practitioners say that you should place an object made of wood or water in the money sector of the home in order to bring prosperity.
Next, learn how to declutter your home without throwing anything away.