13 little ways life’s better when you’re fit

We all know exercise will help us to live longer, be happier, sleep better, reduce our chances of getting cancer or heart disease and improve our skin. But these little everyday bonuses are another part of the reason we love to get fit

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flat stomach

Looking (and feeling) great in clothes

1. You can slip on that tank top or sleeveless sundress knowing that your batwings are a distant memory.

2. You actually don’t mind wearing a torso-hugging tee (gasp-even a white one!).

3. Shopping is fun again. (And those “fat clothes” in your closet are gone, replaced by what used to be your “wishful thinking” clothes.)

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How much sex is normal?

Feeling confident and comfortable

4. Since you feel great about your body, sex is way better

5. Just met your mates for a drink after work? Since your tummy is trimmer, you don’t get that urge to undo the top button of your pants as soon as you sit down.

6. You have the energy to keep up with your kids.

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woman walking

Getting around is simpler

7. Instead of fuming about finding only a far-off parking space, you actually welcome the chance for a bit of a walk.

8. You no longer miss the bus-you can run that block to catch it.

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beach legs

Looking toned and fresh-faced

9. Your complexion is smoother and fresher looking…for free.

10. Your legs look way better in three-inch heels

11. You actually look forward to the beach part of a beach vacation

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Running daily errands with ease

12. Since your core is stronger, your balance is better, so you don’t have to hang on to the pole on a bus or subway.

13. No more standing on crowded escalators; you’re the one nipping smartly up the steps in the passing lane.

Your get-fit-quick summer workout plan
Your slim-down summer diet plan
How to get a ballet dancer’s body

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