You are not alone
We know you are “chill” deep down inside. That’s why you have to take a few moments to find that space to calm down now. Thankfully, you do not have to do it on your own. We have three ways that will help.

Learn to breathe
There is a correlation between breathing and anxiety, says Jesse Hanson, a psychotherapist and clinical director of Helix Healthcare Group in Toronto. “The more your breathing gets short and rapid, the higher your anxiety is, and vice versa,” says Hanson.
Slowing down your breathing can help prevent and treat anxiety. Begin by inhaling one-third of the way, feeling your breath fill your stomach. Then inhale the next third, imagining that it reaches your heart. Let the last third make you rise taller as you picture the air filling you up to your head. As you exhale, feel your chest and belly relax.

It is time to meditate
Anxiety is about fear – about getting too far into our thoughts about future outcomes, says Hanson. Mindfulness is about being in the present moment. It’s also about learning to observe your thoughts and separate them from yourself. “Thoughts happen to us,” says Hanson. “We can witness them happening and not be controlled by them.” To calm down now, find a quiet spot and sit silently. Here is what you should do next.

Ask for help to deal with your anxiety
Reading this story is a start to reducing your anxiety. But if you find you cannot calm down now, seek help. A psychotherapist can help you delve into childhood experiences, relationships and other contributing factors. “It’s like getting a weed at the roots so it won’t keep growing back,” says Hanson.