Mail Cookies to Loved Ones
No matter how close or far your loved ones are this year, you can spread some holiday cheer by mailing holiday cookies to them. After all, everyone loves receiving surprise packages—especially when they’re filled with homemade treats.
Need some cookie inspiration? Here are 11 Holiday Cookies You’ll Want to Bake This Season

Visit with Santa—at Home
Not comfortable going to the mall to take pictures with Santa this year? Your kids can still get quality face time with the big guy if one of your family members is willing to don a Santa suit and play the part.
(Related: How Singing Can Raise Your Spirits During the Holiday Season)

Have an Outdoor Cocoa Party
If the weather is mild enough, why not have a small outdoor gathering with extended family after Christmas dinner? Set up socially distanced chairs in the backyard—and maybe a fire pit, too!—and let everyone indulge in some delicious hot chocolate.
Need a hot cocoa recipe to follow? Try our White Peppermint Hot Chocolate!

Watch Christmas Classics
What better way to celebrate the holiday than with a Christmas movie marathon? There will be a whopping 40 new Hallmark Christmas movies this year, and you can always revisit classics, such as It’s a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street and Elf.
Here’s Every Holiday Movie Coming to Netflix Canada in 2020, to get you started.

Play Secret Santa—Through the Mail!
Just because everyone can’t get together doesn’t mean you can’t play Secret Santa. Have everyone draw names as usual, then you can just mail gifts to your recipient—it will make guessing who picked you even more challenging!
(Related: The Ultimate Guide to Staying Active Outdoors This Winter)

Video Chat to Open Gifts
Your can still gather your family around the Christmas tree to open gifts this year—even if it’s only virtually. It’s easy to set up a video chat using Zoom or Facebook Messenger, and it will allow you to share the holiday spirit face-to-face.
(Related: Zoom Burnout Is Real—Here Are 7 Therapist Tips For Making Hangouts Better)

Plan a Special Christmas Breakfast
Since you don’t have to get up early and hit the road on Christmas, why not plan a lavish Christmas breakfast for your family? We have plenty of Christmas brunch recipes to choose from, including both sweet and savory options. Some favorites include Gingerbread Belgian Waffles, Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls, or a Very Cherry Crescent Ring.
Try making these delicious and healthy Ginger Molasses Cookies recipe

Create a Lovely Light Display
Transform your home into a festive winter wonderland using a variety of outdoor Christmas decorations. Let kids pick out fun pieces of decor to display in the yard, and go crazy with Christmas lights, wrapping them around your home, bushes and trees. This activity is sure to get you into the holiday spirit.
(Related: 10 Potential Holiday Dangers for Your Dog)

Host a Virtual Gingerbread House Competition
You can get a little friendly holiday rivalry going by inviting other families to participate in a gingerbread house competition. Each participant has to build a showstopping gingerbread structure, and you can post all the pictures on social media and let your friends and family vote on their favorites.
(Related: The Best Holiday Episodes of TV Shows on Netflix Canada Right Now)

Organize an Ornament Exchange
Connect with loved ones this holiday season by hosting an ornament exchange. Depending on how many people are involved, you can send homemade decorations to every participant or have everyone draw names.
(Related: 3 Ways Mindfulness Can Help You Get Through the Holiday Season)

Send Handmade Holiday Cards
Instead of simply buying holiday cards this year, why not make them yourself? Even if they’re a little rough around the edges, the homemade sentiment is sure to put a smile on everyone’s face. If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, you can even send edible Gingerbread Christmas Cards.
(Related: 7 Ways to Cope with Loneliness While Staying Socially Distanced)

Have a Virtual Ugly Sweater Party
Don’t let those ugly sweaters go to waste! There are plenty of ways to host a virtual party over video chat, and everyone will be able to show off their most questionable holiday attire.

Go Ice Skating
Ice skating is a fun seasonal activity where it’s easy to practice social distancing, especially if there are local ponds where you can avoid crowds. Invite a few friends to meet you for some afternoon skating, then enjoy a thermos of Fluffy Hot Chocolate after.
(Related: How to Warm Up Properly Before A Winter Workout (And What To Do After))

Give Back in Your Community
It always feels good to give back during the holiday season, so why not make it a family activity? Check out what your local food bank needs for donations, and put together a box of supplies for families in need. Who knows, it might even become an annual tradition.
Next: The Importance of Making Memories During Pandemic Life