Are you getting enough vitamins?
If you’re like many people, you probably have every intention of taking your vitamins every day. But it’s just so darn difficult to remember to pop those pills on a regular basis. However, taking vitamins regularly is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, says naturopath Pamela Frank, of the Forces of Nature Naturopathic Clinic in Toronto. “I recommend a good multivitamin, as well as 1000 IU of vitamin D per day, and a good fish oil supplement, too,” says Frank. “We need to do this because I think our food supply is nutrient depleted…our lifestyles are unhealthy, and…our stress levels deplete [our supply] of the necessary vitamins and minerals to maintain good health.”
Ready to work supplements into your daily routine? Here are some tips and tricks to help you rememebr to take them.

1. Take vitamins with meals
It’s a good idea to take some vitamins and minerals along with meals as they may have less potential to upset your stomach if your belly is full (make sure to follow directions on the label and advice from your healthcare professional). Also, associating taking vitamins with a meal is a great way to avoid forgetting. “I love recommending vitamins with breakfast,” says Mary Bamford, a registered dietician at the Adelaide Health Clinic in Toronto. “It offers two benefits. The first is consistently eating breakfast and starting your day fueled and energized. The second is that it’s usually in the privacy of your own home, so it’s easier.”
If you’re taking any kind of medication in the morning, check with your doctor to determine the right time of day to take vitamin supplements. And always talk to your doctor before taking any new supplements.

2. Carry your vitamins with you
This may be helpful If you take more than one type of supplement. Find a stylish pill container or simply keep them in a small plastic bowl in your purse, desk or car. “Some of my patients use a pill container, and they sometimes remark that they didn’t foresee having to use one of those so soon,” says Frank. “I usually tell them that at some point you either have a choice of filling a pill container with vitamins, or filling it with prescription drugs, and I choose vitamins.”

3. Keep vitamins in plain sight
Rather than storing your vitamins in a cupboard, keep them near the coffee maker, beside the cereal box or even in the bathroom, right next to the toothpaste and brushes. Making taking your vitamins a part of another routine will guarantee the habit doesn’t fall by the wayside, since you’d certainly never leave the house without brushing your teeth or indulging in your morning cup of coffee or tea!

4. Schedule an electronic reminder
Are you and your smartphone inseparable? Then use an application to remember your vitamins. You can schedule a daily meeting reminder in your calendar and program an alarm to sound at the same time each day. For a low-tech option, stick a note on the fridge or somewhere on your desk, to serve as a daily reminder.
Even easier: If someone else in your life is also struggling to remember to take vitamins, set up a buddy system to remind each other.

5. What to do if you forget
As with amost types of medication, it’s not wise to double up on a vitamin if you miss a day without the guidance of a healthcare professional.
There may be times when you need extra vitamins, so don’t be afraid to ask your healthcare pro about varying your routine. “For anyone with high stress levels, they probably need extra of the B-complex vitamins,” says Frank. “That would be best taken with lunch. Also, you may want extra vitamin C for cold and flu season, allergy season and high periods of stress.”
Always follow your healthcare professional’s advice when it comes to determining the right vitamins for your needs.
• Vitamins and minerals 101
• Vitamin needs at every age
• How to read vitamin labels