Resistance bands are portable, easy to store, and let you work your muscles from different angles.
The thicker the band, the more resistance it provides, so choose one that feels challenging to pull but not like you’re straining, which can hamper your range of motion and ruin your form. You can up the intensity of these exercises by shortening the band; to do so, wrap the ends loosely around each hand. (Check out our top fitness trend predictions for 2019.)
Warm-up for 1 minute: Do gentle jumping jacks, or simply march briskly in place while swinging arms to shoulder height.

Balancing biceps curls for 1 minute
This exercise works: Biceps, abdominals and outer hips
- Stand with left foot on middle of band and hold both handles in your left hand.
- Lift right leg six to eight inches off the floor in a side lift and balance on your left foot as you curl left arm up, palm to shoulder and keeping elbow as close to your body as possible. Keep wrist straight, and squeeze outer hip muscle. Return to start position.
- Do this move for 30 seconds, then switch to right foot and do the move for another 30 seconds.

Easier option: For 30 seconds, do balancing biceps curls while holding just one handle in your left hand (hold the other handle loosely in your right hand). Switch to the right side and do the move for another 30 seconds.

One-arm extensions with squats for 2 minutes
This exercise works: Triceps, glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings
- Stand with feet hip-width apart. Hold one handle in your right hand, reaching arm overhead, with elbow bent and pointing up, and band dangling down your back.
- Move left arm behind your back, gripping the band at waist level.
- Squat down as you straighten your right arm overhead, then return to starting position.
- Do this move for 30 seconds, then switch arms and do the move for another 30 seconds. Repeat sequence.

Easier option: Do one-arm extensions with right arm for 20 seconds; march in place for 20 seconds; switch arms and do the move for another 20 seconds. Repeat sequence.

Side shoulder raises for 2 minutes
This exercise works: Front and sides of shoulders
- Stand with left foot on middle of resistance band, holding a handle in each hand.
- Keeping arms straight, raise them out to sides, then lower them back to start position. Do this move for 30 seconds.
- Switch feet and do the move for another 30 seconds. Repeat sequence.

Easier option: Do side shoulder raises with right foot on band for 20 seconds; repeat with left foot for 20 seconds; march in place for another 20 seconds. Repeat sequence.

Travelling squats for 1 minute
This exercise works: Hips, glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings
- Stand with both feet on middle of resistance band and hold a handle in each hand.
- With your right foot, take a wide step out to the side, and squat. Bring left foot to right foot as you return to a standing position. Do three more travelling squats to the right. Switch feet and travel to the left four times.
- Repeat this right-to-left sequence for one minute.

Easier option: Do travelling squats to the right for 20 seconds; march in place for 20 seconds; switch sides and travel to the left for 20 seconds.

Rotator-cuff pulls with alternating lunges for 2 minutes
This exercise works: Calves, hamstrings, thighs, quadriceps, glutes, rotator cuffs and backs of shoulders
- Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold middle portion of resistance band in both hands with arms bent, forearms parallel to floor, palms up and elbows touching rib cage.
- Slowly pull band out sideways, moving hands away from each other (elbows still touching rib cage) as you do alternating reverse lunges (that’s when you step one leg back and drop into a lunge).

Easier option: Eliminate the lunges.
Lastly, end with a cool-down for 1 minute: For 30 seconds, walk around the room, taking deep breaths. For the remaining 30 seconds, gently stretch the major muscle groups you’ve just worked. (Here’s why you should make post-workout stretching a priority.)