Real Housewife Roxy Earle On Sizeism, Beauty Ideals and Finding Motivation To Work Out
Real Housewives of Toronto star Roxy Earl has never shied from speaking her opinion, and she doesn’t hold back here either.

Roxy Earle doesn’t mind talking about her size – it’s the negativity she can do without
Roxy Earle, one of the stars of The Real Housewives of Toronto, is not the typical trophy wife on the franchise. And while she is lauded as the first “plus-size” wife, it bores her. “I’m size 14 and that’s apparently revolutionary,” she says with a hint of sarcasm. But one thing she does take seriously is her effect on women who don’t feel “beautiful,” according to traditional ideals (ahem, not a swimsuit model). She started the hashtag #MySizeRox and recently partnered with Instagram to speak about body image.
You’re known as the bold and confident star of the series. Have you always been this way?
“Listen, I grew up with three older brothers. We are very close in age. At one point we were four [kids] under [the age of] five. As a kid and as the only girl, to be heard, I had to be bold and confident. Living with three older brothers, you learn confidence. They challenged me to be the best version of me. I’m not always sure of myself, though. I do have my moments.”
How do you maintain your confidence?
“People always ask me about my confidence. And I know it sounds kind of corny, but it’s about believing myself. I take a lot of pride in what I do. And it really starts with doing the things every day that make you proud of yourself. Take running for example. If that makes you proud of yourself, then do it! This is my practical tip for confidence. Doing these little things will grow your confidence.”
Tell me about why you started #MySizeRox?
“I get asked a lot about my size. The first question in interviews is about being plus size. And people talk negatively. But I wanted to turn it around from a negative thing. This is my size and my size rocks. I’m taking back ownership of what others were saying about me. So, I called out to my fans and followers to share photos of themselves where they feel beautiful. It was a call to action to feel beautiful.
“Now, I’m not saying you should not be a size smaller or a size bigger. What I am saying is: Wherever you are at, you can love yourself.”
What daily things do you do to keep your confidence healthy?
“It might sound superficial but for me it means lovely clothes. In the morning, I get dressed, I look in the mirror, and I think ‘You look great.’ It’s about taking pride in the way you look. I take a lot of pride in that. And that helps you feel good. I also dress in bright colours, which makes other people smile. And I find every workout is the most rewarding. And I eat good food. When you care about yourself, you take care of yourself.”

How do you think social media affects women’s self-esteem?
“On Instagram, I found a community of people who want to share my message of being confident, and motivating and being body positive.”
But what would you say to those who feel bad about themselves because of Instagram?
“You can change who you follow. Follow people who share the same values, the same things you care about. Don’t just follow only Victoria Secret models. Follow people who look like you. Follow people who inspire you. Your community and your feed should make sense for you. It’s not just about your ideal of beauty and success. Use Instagram to inspire and use it to come together.”
What do you do if you get trolled or get negative comments?
“At first, I wanted to respond with anger. But there is no point in fuelling hate with hate. They are broken and they need to be treated with compassion. If that doesn’t work, you can always block or report them. Don’t allow those people in your space. I don’t allow negativity in my social space.
“Surround yourself with people who support and love you, and take advantage of our free social services. You can get free counselling in Ontario. But if we’re not talking about serious mental health issues, exercise is the best free therapy. I don’t work out for the weight loss. I don’t even know how much I weigh. I just put on my headphones, put on some Nikki Minaj and workout out. Just do something. No one has ever worked out and afterward felt bad about themselves.”
At Best Health, we talk a lot about #BHmoment, that is like an aha moment about physical and mental health. What’s yours?
“I am not perfect. I have my bad days. I have cried on the floor because something didn’t fit. It’s just that I’ve been on the other side a lot more often. I’m talking about loving yourself. It starts with self-love. Healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes. It’s not true that the shape of my body is the barometer to my health. Healthy does not only come in a size 10.”
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