Kim Cattrall
The 50-something Kim Cattrall (Samantha Jones to Sex and the City fans) hosted last fall’s P&G Beauty & Grooming Awards, which recognize fashion and beauty editorial work in Canada. Born in Liverpool, Cattrall was raised in England and Canada. She recently starred in Noel Coward’s play Private Lives with Paul Gross, in Toronto and on Broadway. Cattrall is based in New York.
The first thing I do is scrub vigorously in the shower-exfoliating wakes me up, and often I scrub twice a day. I use Olay citrus scrub cleanser; I like that it’s reasonably priced.
I blow-dry my hair, or just let it dry naturally to bring out the wave. Oscar Blandi makes good products-I might use a little dry shampoo volume spray to give it some height on top.
When it comes to makeup, less is really more; it makes for a softer look, and I just like being me. I like that non-perfect look; it’s more real and appealing. I use Laura Mercier oil-free foundation, Bobbi Brown bronzer and Nars blush. I don’t line my lips, maybe just emphasize the top a little-the cupid’s bow-and I don’t wear dark lip shades. I like a very clean eye, and always curl my eyelashes with Shu Uemura eyelash curler.
I think it’s important to use moisturizers generously, liberally. And especially remember to moisturize the hands-they need protective lotions.
I might listen to music before I go out, something like the Goldberg Variations (and I just bought a CBC complete boxed set of Glenn Gould). Then I grab M.A.C pressed powder and some lip gloss to take with me, and I’m good to go.

Enuka Okuma
TV and film actor Enuka Okuma, 35, was born in Vancouver and now splits her time between Toronto and Los Angeles. She appeared in the film Larry Crowne, directed by Tom Hanks, and has more than 45 television roles to her credit, including Traci Nash on Rookie Blue. In 2011, she wrote, directed and produced a short film, Cookie.
On the days when I’m not working with a stylist or makeup artist, I’m not going to lie-it takes me way too long to get ready. It always starts with some good music. I crank it up and throw too many clothes on the bed while trying to figure out what to wear, then do my hair and makeup with only half the outfit on. I’ve been getting ready this way for as long as I can remember, and I always come home at the end of the night to a bedroom that looks ransacked.
For my hair, it always depends on how much time I have to get ready. If I have enough time, I’ll get out the curling iron; if not, it’s the flatiron. As for makeup, I change it up, but I will never go without foundation, mascara and defining my eyebrows. Hands down, my favourite mascara is Mary Kay Ultimate in black.
I never have the patience to sit through the time it takes for a home manicure, so I’ve worked out a system: My base coat and first coat go on the night before. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is swipe on the second coat and then the topcoat right after. Voila! Nary a smudged nail.

Trish Stratus
Trish Stratus, 36, is a former seven-time WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) Women’s Champion, actor, entrepreneur and yoga/fitness expert (she owns Stratusphere yoga studio in Vaughan, Ont.). Born and raised in Richmond Hill, Ont., she’s married to her high school sweetheart and lives in Toronto.
It’s hard to pull off that polished look you get from a stylist, so I figure why even attempt it-stay simple. A few hours before I have to go out, I like to apply a layer of pure argan oil (I use Shea Terra) on my face and once I’m ready to go, I use witch hazel to wipe off what hasn’t set into my skin. Then my go-to items (which happen to not require any application skill whatsoever) are mascara, gloss and a dusting of Stila shimmer powder in Kitten, which works for me as a bronzer. I like to keep my hair loose. I always end up just putting it up in a pile on top of my head by the end of the night!

Sophie Milman
Born in Russia, raised in Israel and now living in Toronto, jazz singer Sophie Milman, 28, won a Juno Award for her 2007 release Make Someone Happy. Her recently released In the Moonlight-her fourth CD-reveals the vocal artist’s sophisticated evolution.
Because of my crazy schedule, I rarely get a chance to just unwind with my girlfriends. I have an all-male band, so by the time I get off the road, I’m badly in need of some estrogen! When we do get together, usually over great food and white wine, it’s wonderful.
After I wash my hair and blow-dry, I stick in some Velcro rollers for a few minutes. I always have some good music or the CBC blaring in the background, loud enough to cut through the noise of the hair dryer. For makeup, I use some black eyeliner, mascara, a tiny dab of Aveda concealer in Inner Light under the eyes, Tarte blush in Tipsy and lip cream. I then throw on my Seven jeans, a funky top and some mid-height wedges or flats. (I save my high heels for the stage, where I really need to pretend to be tall.) I’m usually late by this point, so I have to run!

Tessa Bonhomme
Tessa Bonhomme, 26, who grew up in Sudbury and now lives in Toronto, was a member of Canada’s Olympic gold-medal women’s hockey team at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. In 2011, partnering with David Pelletier, she won TV’s Battle of the Blades. She’s now a host and commentator for the Toronto Maple Leafs on Leafs TV.
My usual routine coming out of the shower is to apply Kiehl’s facial moisturizer. I then blow-dry and straighten my hair, making sure to use a heat protector. When I’m done, I move on to my makeup, applying M.A.C NW25 Studio Fix Fluid, followed by their Prep + Prime powder. Then I put on a conditioning mascara, allow it to dry, and apply waterproof mascara followed by eyeliner. And, of course, I finish off my look with a nice coat of lip gloss.
If I’m wearing a cute top or a dress that shows my shoulders and arms, Lush has these great bronzing moisturizer bars that have sparkles in them. They’re super-fun, easy to apply and moisturizing-all at the same time.
I usually don’t like to look like I’m wearing lots of makeup when I go out with friends or on a date. I save that for red-carpet events or photo shoots (when I let the professionals do their work!).

Kimberley Newport-Mimran
Kimberley Newport-Mimran is the 40-something president and head designer of Pink Tartan, the chic women’s wear line she co-founded in 2001 with her husband and business partner Joe Mimran (the Joe behind Joe Fresh). Pink Tartan is sold throughout North America and boasts a celebrity following. The Toronto-based mother of one is from Niagara Falls, Ont.
I don’t wear makeup in the daytime very often but I do put on Bobbi Brown tinted moisturizer in Medium. It makes my skin feel dewy and fresh for an evening out. I love Kiss Me mascara, as it never smudges and washes off easily at bedtime. For lips, I like plain gloss for daytime, but a more dramatic lip for night; my favourite right now is Tom Ford lipstick in True Coral.
I have my hair cut every eight to 12 weeks so the style keeps its shape, and I just run an iron through it to give it shine right before I leave the house. A neutral nail colour works for me as I don’t always have time for a manicure.

Natalie MacMaster
Natalie MacMaster, 40, the famous fiddler from Troy, N.S., has a new album, Cape Breton Girl, which was released last fall. With four children under six years of age (three girls and a boy) and another one due in late summer, you’d think there would be no time to get ready or primped for anything. But MacMaster, who lives not far from Peterborough, Ont., manages a routine.
Evenings out are usually a dinner date with my husband [musician Donnell Leahy], or a casual dinner with friends. We like having people over and it’s very family-friendly. I’ll definitely play up my hair. I use a little mousse or gel and then a diffuser to dry it. Then I add curls with a one-inch-barrel curling iron-my hair takes the curl very well. I don’t like a too-smoothed-out makeup look, but
I am a fan of M.A.C Studio Fix, which I use every day, on stage and off. It covers up redness and blemishes. Filling in my very light eyebrows makes a big difference; I use a M.A.C slanted eyebrow brush with a neutral brown powder. I’ll skip eyeliner, but I do like to use a charcoal eyeshadow on my lids, and mascara. I don’t have voluptuous lips so I kind of play them down with a nice light coral lipstick.
I can’t do manicures-I need to keep my calluses for my music! I don’t even put my hands in water.

Kelly Konno
Choreographer and actor Kelly Konno, 38, was born in Lethbridge, Alta., and raised in Vancouver, where she currently lives. She’s known for her choreography work on Canada Sings and Triple Threat Dance Convention, and has acted in the J.J. Abrams science fiction television series Fringe.
When I go out for a girls’ night on the town or a date, I like to enjoy my time while getting all dolled up. I put on some music (Jill Scott or Beyoncé), light some incense, maybe pour a little glass of wine to relax, then lay out my outfit and hop in the shower.
I start with prepping my skin-wash, tone, moisturize-then apply Laura Mercier primer and foundation. I highlight my cheekbones, browbone and the centre of my nose with Benefit’s Moonbeam-it gives a slight peachy/apricot sheen-then use Nars Zen neutral beige blush on my hairline and cheeks. To blow-dry, I like Kevin Murphy Hair Resort styling spray for that beachy textured look. To finish everything off: a couple of sprays of Kiehl’s Musk.

Sitara Hewitt
Sitara Hewitt, 32, was born and raised in Elora, Ont. She plays Dr. Rayyan Hamoudi on TV’s Little Mosque on the Prairie, now in its sixth and final season. She is also the spokesperson for La Leche League Canada, a non-profit organization that supports mothers, babies and breastfeeding. She lives in Toronto with her husband, actor Jessie Pavelka, and their two-year-old son.
When I’m going out somewhere special with my husband or friends, the first thing I do to look good is to get enough sleep! That means if I was up early that morning with our toddler, I try to get a 30-minute nap-it works wonders on my looks and mood. Then, after a shower, I moisturize my skin well, and blow-dry my hair a bit (I use Kiehl’s Leave-In Hair Conditioner with coconut, and a volumizer spray). Or I let it air-dry, with a clip at the front for body. I like it to look “undone” but full.
More and more, I like a light hand with makeup, and I go for glowy and bronzed, with a little Guerlain kohl around my eyes for an exotic look, and a juicy lip gloss. Generally I like to feel natural and a bit sumptuous-I like it when I can forget my looks once I’m done, and just go out and enjoy.

Lisa LaFlamme
Canadian broadcast journalist Lisa LaFlamme, 48, is the chief anchor and senior editor of CTV National News. She has covered a wide range of stories, from elections to wars and natural disasters around the world. Born and raised in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ont., LaFlamme now lives in Toronto.
I follow the advice my mother always gave me-when you’re all dressed and ready to go out, take one thing off. Whether it’s an accessory or a bit of makeup, inevitably, less is more. She’s right! Because I wear a lot of TV makeup for my daily job, when I’m going out I keep it simple. A natural foundation, mascara and lipstick-I’m addicted to M.A.C New York Apple lipstick.
My secret to straightening my curly hair is to spend the money and buy a great hair dryer. It’s made all the difference-that and a big round hairbrush.

Leah Pinsent
The 40-something television and film actor Leah Pinsent was born and raised in Toronto, where she lives with actor Peter Keleghan and their pooch, Higgins. Leah’s most recent film is Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town (2012). She recently helped make a video for the charity Yonge Street Mission.
With fashion, for me comfort is first, and when it comes to going out I make last-minute decisions-and hope that I feel I look good in it before I go out the door. Hair is sort of on the same line. I have a lot of hair and I colour it. Unlike my husband, I can’t wash it daily; it takes so long to dry, so I like to put my wet hair in braids-which gives me wavy hair for a couple of days.
Since I was a teen, thanks to my mom, I have always taken care of my skin. So my bathroom cabinet is full of serums and creams. As far as makeup, I like to wear Jane Iredale mineral makeup (I use their facial spray, too), M.A.C mineral blush in Dainty, and a Dior or Lancôme mascara. M.A.C lipstick in Twig works well for me.
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