You Won’t Even Recognize This Star After Her Massive Weight Loss
She hasn’t been this weight since high school!

If you grew up in the ’90s, there’s a good chance you know Mo’Nique.
Not only for the creative way she famously spells her name (her real name is just Monique), but for her role on The Parkers and her hilarious work as a stand-up comedian.
While Mo’Nique has killed it professionally over the last two decades — she has a Grammy and an Oscar, after all — there’s been one area that she’s struggled with (as so many women do): her weight.
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However, the actress and comedian seems to have gotten her health in check. The 51-year-old recently announced on Instagram that she broke the 200-pound mark for the first time since she was 17 years old.
The star credits two things for her weight loss: a raw food diet and dancing with her trainer Dwight Holt Jr. She explained the secret to her success on Instagram, writing, “For me it was with no surgery, no pre-packaged foods, not listening to no spokespeople saying ‘it’s easy, you can do it.’ It was just putting in the work and not giving up on me.” (Lea Michele credits this diet for her healthy attitude.)
The star also shared a before and after shot to show how far she’s come.